Chapter 15: Cured.

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Many questions had to put on the shelf because of the shock that was holding you back from speaking. So many questions were answered but more questions sprouted.

"K, you have the answer now go back to your room." Hank said. Kyrie placed a hand on your shoulder and walked you back.

You opened the door, being careful not to touch the metal plate. You flopped onto the bed and asked 'Kyrie',

"Do you know how 'Parker' set the building on fire and drugged my uncle?"
"I have not been informed on those subjects but I'm sure if you ask one of the officers, they will fill you in." You looked Kyrie in the eye, knowing it wasn't really him, then turned your eyes away.
"K, well can you leave the room? I want to be alone." And without a word, he turned to the door and left the room.

You looked at the window and thought, how bad were your parent's burns? If you had been cut by glass and only stayed in the hospital for a day, then how bad was their burn?

Maybe if they let you out the building, you can go ask one of them. You weren't even sure if you were allowed out the building.

You popped your head out of the room. Kyrie was standing right beside your door.

"Kyrie, am I allowed outside?"
"You're only allowed outside when going to a therapy session."
"And when is that?"
"Alright, thanks." You walked back inside you room. Great, a whole day without information. You hated when your curiousness was left unattended.

You turned to your pillow and cried.

"My parents are in hospital,  my aunt Kara is shut off, my uncle is in hospital, my therapy teacher is shut off, I've been to the hospital, I got sexually harassed by pedophiles and I have a crush on a plastic boy." You listened to yourself and giggled in the middle of your sobbing. It was pretty stupid. Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Jeez, better not be Kyr- no, I can't call him that... I'll call him knock-off." You thought to yourself. Then, the door opened, it was the female officer.

"Oh... hi."
"Hello, just here to drop off the information just in case you were wondering." She placed a couple of papers onto the end of your bed.
"What information?"
"How Parker drugged your uncle and-"
"Ok that's enough, but I was wondering that so thanks." She smiled and waved then turned, but before she could open the door, you asked,

"Hey, what's your name." She turned to you and said,
"Ariane." She then walked out. You read the papers.

"Parker took the sugar bag away to the bathroom and added the heroin. Then, he snuck it back into the kitchen. He pick-pocketed the keys off of Ronin and rushed to Y/N's bedroom when nobody was in the hallway. There, he placed the heroin bag and he rushed out and threw the keys onto the ground for Ronin's neighbour to find.

Ronin had set the building on fire by dressing up as a cook and walking into the garbage bin area. A couple of chefs questioned him but he was excused as a new chef in the kitchen. There, he set the scene of 'accidentally' setting the building on fire." Reading the papers made you feel a bit sick in the stomach, so you walked out and asked Knock-off,

"Can we just have a therapy session now?"
"If it's what you want, then okay." You already had your hair in a pony tail and some decent clothing. He walked to the cars and drove you to somewhere.

The drive was about 40 minutes until the car stopped. You looked at the area. It was another forest, a different one.

"Be careful Y/N, don't get yourself hurt again."
"Mhmm, totally." You dashed inside the forest.

The breeze brushed past your face as you skipped along the pathway. Knock-off stayed close to you but you began thinking about it,

"Maybe 'knock-off' here is still Kyrie, I mean, I got the message from a dream but he's still suspicious..." You kept your hands in your pocket and looked at the sky. You didn't really like it here in Detroit so far but you can't really blame the city, just the people you've been around. You haven't even seen the majority of Detroit so you can't define it by the minority.

Just then, Knock-off stopped you.

"Connor wants to contact you."
"He requested me to add his serial number to your phone." You pulled out your phone and entered the password.
"There." You said as you handed it over. He typed something into your phone and gave it back.

Just then, you got a call from Connor himself.

"Hello Y/N, I hope you're doing well."
"I'm doing okay, why?"
"Just wanted to check up on you."
"Well that's sweet of you..." You were both sarcastic and honest.
"Alright, I'll go now."
"Actually, I have a little unimportant question."
"What is it?"
"Why'd you stop working on my uncle's case? Aren't you guys assigned one case at a time and move onto the next case once you've solved the first one?"
"Because the fire seemed more important to the Captain."
"Ah, Okay, thanks. I'll hang up now." You clicked the hang up button and kept walking.

You smiled to yourself a little bit, his voice was kinda sweet and cute. Your cheeks flushed at the thought of him telling you those three special words.

You then realised what you were thinking about and your cheeks turned a deeper shade of rose. You slightly laughed at yourself, it's not like he would ever love you back, he was just a robot. You didn't want to keep your hopes to high and thinking of the chance he might go deviant still then love you. There was no chance actually.

You sighed and kept walking. You turned around to check if he was still there, and he was.

You didn't see much, you either kept your eyes pointed to the ground or forward as you followed the oath, you saw some pretty common birds but that was it, only common birds.

You walked for what seemed like an hour before turning towards him again.

"I feel like going back now."
"Alright." He turned around and you did too. You jogged in front of him and walked back, following the path.

Halfway walking back, you asked.

"How does walking around like this help me with my stress levels?"
"Because we learnt that the reason your stress levels get so high is because when you were more younger, you were more put in more stressful situations therefore your brain was used to get more getting stressed so if we take you onto calming walks, this will help your brain get more used to being calm."
"Uh, okay..."

You skipped over to the car and waited for him to unlock it. Once he did, you got inside and put on your seatbelt.

He began driving all the way back to the police station.

You didn't like it there. You never did. You began getting stressed.

"What's wrong Y/N? Your stress is getting higher."
"I... I... don't like it at the police station..."
"It feels cold and empty..."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Even though there are other kids there, I rarely see them and all the police officers there feel like empty shells with no emotions." He stayed silent before saying,
"Would you prefer it if you were back at the mansion?" You thought about it.
"Yes... it would be a lot better.."
"I'll try to convince them." You stayed silent before saying.

He parked in front of the police station. You waited in the car.

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