Chapter 6: Accusations And Affection.

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It had only been a day since the whole fiasco happened, before life began tugging way too hard at your leg again.

You were in the backyard when the police burst in again. You assumed they were here for another investigation until they grabbed onto your arms while you were getting up.

"What? What's going on?!" You exclaimed.
"You are going to be interrogated again." They told you, with a firm tone in their voice.
"W-Why?" They dragged you to the front door. You saw your parents trying to get you back, but then you looked at Kara, her LED was red and you saw her arm nearly raise with her wrist turned up, as if she was going to try and get you back too but hesitated.
"We may have found evidence that you drugged Ronin L/N." You were confused, you hadn't drugged anyone, you hadn't even seen heroin in person before but you were too afraid to ask anything else. (Ronin is your uncle's name)

They drove you to the station and threw you into the interrogation room. You sat in the chair for nervous 5 minutes, before someone walked inside. It was the guy from your party, Hank. You were nervous as hell.

"Look kid, I don't wanna do this either but I gotta live somehow." You didn't say anything.

He slid a folder into the desk, your shoulders tensed up. He opened the folder and the first picture you looked at was a bag of sugar with your fingerprint highlighted.

"Inside the bag was heroin and you were the only one who has touched it. Connor already went through Kara's memory and she had no memory of ever even touching the substance." You knew you were already screwed, how could you defend yourself? You had no idea what to say in your defence, so you didn't say anything.

You looked down and bit your lip. Hank raised an eyebrow.

"Are you admitting you did it?"
"I DIDN'T DO IT!" You shouted out, without any thinking. You held your breath for a second when you realised what you said. You were trembling.
"This folder is as much proof we have that you could've done it and yet you have nothing in defence. Well let's try this, Ronin L/N was the only one to drink coffee in the morning which was lucky or else maybe others would have been drugged too, but that also meant that the heroin was sprinkled in the early morning or the party. Connor tried to get Kara's memory in the early morning but she was on battery-save mode so her memories couldn't be accessed, which meant it would've happened at the party."
"But I stayed in the library pretty much the whole time, I only went out to eat. Why is it specially me? Everyone else stayed outside."
"Oh yeah, the others. We're actually questioning them too, but because there were so many people there, we have to interrogate them in groups at the different times. But back to you." He flipped through the folder again. The next image was your room.
"We were investigating your room-" You were ready to die. INVASION OF PRIVACY!
"And we found a packet of heroin in your room." Next to the image was the bag of heroin.
"Wait- WHAT?" You were shocked but Hank only raised an eyebrow.
"M-My door..."
"All the clues point to you, every other image and clue in this folder is directly aimed at you."
"But what if someone framed me?"
"Your door was locked at the party, your uncle was found with the keys. All the keys including the one to your room. Connor even told us that the exact time you left the room and came back once, you left for an extended amount of time." You were just really nervous about getting the snacks! But you couldn't tell them because they wouldn't believe you.

Just then, someone just burst into the room.

"Alright, move over Hank, we're gonna arrest this bitch already." The officer grabbed your arms and put his handcuffs on them

Next thing ya' know, you were being shoved into a cell. You had no idea what to feel, you wanted to cry but your shock was stopping you.

"Now stay there you drugging bitch." They walked off. The electric wall thickened until it was opaque, that's when you began releasing your emotions out of your eyes. You cried and cried and cried until you felt tired. You laid down on one of the mattresses in your orange suit and tried to sleep but your heart was aching. All you wanted was to visit your uncle for New Years and Christmas and this is what you get? You wondered how your parents would feel when they get the news, or worse, your uncle. You began crying again.

You eventually passed out from an aching head. Your head was throbbing with pain as you kept repeating to yourself 'I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him' until you eventually did begin doubting yourself. What if you did drug him? What if everyone else got drugged too? What if you got drunk and that's why you don't remember anything? You felt really stressed, really scared, really angry.

You just wanted to sleep through the whole day, constantly live in a dream or maybe just nothingness. Either way, those two were still better than the hell they call jail.

You lost track but you thought this might've been the fifth time you've fallen asleep. You checked the window. The majority of officers would be asleep or atleast outside.

You didn't realise this but the stars were distracting you from all your troubles, they glittered and shone, maybe you could even see a slight colour difference in all of them, they flickered and never had a solid shape. However, your fantasy and dream would be crushed by the big boulder they named reality. You figured it was one of the punishments you had to take while in jail so you turned around but you didn't look up, for you were too ashamed to look anybody in the eye. You were holding back tears until a familiar voice whispered,

"You know, you can look up." It sounded so familiar but you couldn't remember who it is,
"I'm too scared..." You whispered back.
"Because maybe I did drug my uncle without knowing."
"Well, I know it isn't true, and I'm here to get you out of this tight space so you need to trust me and just look up." Your eyes began shifting around the floor before your face rose up to meet, face to face and eye to eye, Connor.

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