Chapter 9: One Step Closer.

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It was night. You decided to go a party with your parents. It was hosted by the company your parents worked in except, this was in Detroit.

You wore a French-grey dress with a cute little bow tie and ribbon, accompanied with long white socks and black shoes.

It was around 8 PM when you came, it was already half packed so you took the space to look around. There was a bar, a dance floor, a karaoke room and a whole bunch of other cool stuff but you stayed where minors could go so you didn't go inside the bar.

You listened to the beautiful singers in the karaoke room, you only watched others dance in the dancing room, you sat down and ate a cheesecake and you looked at the beautifully lit up night sky on the balcony.

It had only been about 3 hours since you got there with your parents and you smelt a disaster coming, you literally smelt it because there was smoke. You were outside on the balcony, you turned around halfway and saw smoke coming out of the door. You were too scared to turn around completely partly because you didn't want to know if there was a fire and also because you were shocked, a bit too shocked to move but when the heat began creeping up closer, that's when fear and curiosity got you. You saw the fire right outside your door, it was so big that someone might not even be able to see you through it. It expanded closer and closer to you, and as it came closer, you walked back until your hands gripped onto the fence on the balcony, that's when you screamed out,

"HELP! SOMEBODY! HELP ME PLEASE!" Tears rolled down your rosy cheeks as you were breathing heavily and trying to get as back as possible, away from the growing fire. You heard a voice from the other side.

"I'm going to get you out!" You didn't recognise it, because of all the stress and your breathing but you could make out the words and just prayed that you wouldn't be eaten alive by the devil's water. You clenched  the fence and closed your eyes. Ten seconds felt like 10 minutes. You then felt yourself get lifted  up into somebody's arms. You didn't open your eyes so you didn't know who was carrying yo but you were still terrified.

You felt the floor shake and the person jumping, this made you scared but eventually you felt the cold breath of the night. Tears were still flowing down your face like rain.

"Do you want to get down?" You shook your head, you doubted you would still be able to stand after that experience.
"Alright." They... or rather, he carried you somewhere. You managed to hear other's talking but you could hear a specific conversation.

"Geez, just put her down already!"
"But she specifically stated that she still didn't want to get down."
"She would've been scared from what she has just experienced, she is still scared so it is understandable that she wouldn't want to get down yet."
"Okay, whatever pretty-boy." You felt him carry you somewhere.

"Just take her home, she already looks half asleep." You felt a car door open and you felt your back out against a leather chair, at this point, you were half asleep so you didn't open your eyes, it was all black. You were buckled in and you were getting taken somewhere, presumably your uncle's mansion.

You were taken out of the car, this time, your vision blurred as you slightly opened them up.

"Now she's awake, she can walk on her own."
"Can you hear me? Move if you can." You opened your eyes fully and looked up. No surprise, it was Connor. He looked at your tired eyes and reached over to unbuckle you. He reached out a hand and you held it and got out the car. You stumbled to the side first but Connor caught you and helped you to the front of the house. He knocked and you saw Kara open the door. Without realising, you let go of Connor's hand and hugged Kara. Kara hugged back.

"What happened?" Kara asked.
"The building was set on fire and she was stuck on the balcony. Her parents made it out but they were partially burnt while getting out." Connor answered. The last part made your heart sink so you hugged onto Kara tighter.
"Alright... I'll take her inside." Kara closed the door and she turned on the heater.

"You must be cold, I'll get you more comfortable clothes and I'll make you some hot chocolate." You sat down on the couch. You warmed up as you thought about Connor, everything he has done for you was... overwhelming. Kara came out with thick clothes.

"Is the heater too warm? Your cheeks are really red."
"O-Oh, the heater is fine..."
"Do you need these clothes?"
"I'll have them, thanks. I was just... thinking about something." You told her. You took the clothes and took off the dress and socks and put them on.

"Kara... can I tell you something?" Kara turned her head to you as she was making your hot chocolate.
"What is it?"
"I think... I have a crush on Connor." Kara paused before saying
"Well, I guess that's understandable. Emotions are uncontrollable most of the time and after he was saved you multiple times, it would make sense you would look up to him."
"But I don't just look up to him! I... I want to stay with him... I want him to feel the way I do but I know it's impossible because he's still an Android who can only mimic emotions..." Kara stayed silent then said.
"Maybe he isn't just mimicking emotions."
"How can you tell?"
"I can't, really but he is always the one saving you, no body else."
"Maybe it's just a coincidence.."
"Maybe but I'd say there would still be a chance."
"Heh, I can only dream of that!" You laughed to yourself. She brought the hot chocolate over. You waited for it to cool down.
"Would it make you feel better to give him something, more than a thank you?"
"Like what?"
"Perhaps a rose. Not out of love, but just appreciation."
"I'm too much of a pussy to do that..."
"I'm sure you're not." You didn't say anything and just drank down the hot chocolate,

"My life is currently shit... and tomorrow, I am gonna drink my sorrows away..."
"But aren't you underaged?"
"I don't care! I don't care, I don't care, I don't care! I don't care about the future right now, I only care about what's happening now."
"What about an alternative? I heard you like playing piano and the violin." You remembered your mom forcing you to take violin lessons but your school taught you piano. You hated it at first but soon you grew addicted.
"I dunno... does this house even have a piano or violin?"
"He has a piano in the library."
"How'd I never see it?"
"It has a little section in it's own space hidden behind shelves."
"Makes sense... lead me to it." Kara began walking to the library and you followed behind, cup in hand. She led you to a hole in the wall in the library, you stepped inside. In the middle, was a grand piano. You sat down and set the cup on a little table beside it. You opened one of the books and set it on top of the piano. You opened to one of Kevin Macleod's works, "Atlantean Twilight". You began playing, you remembered how it felt. You hadn't played piano in so long. You remembered why you loved doing piano, the feeling of impressing others, how your fingers flowed so smooth and quickly over the keys and just the beautiful sounds.

And when you finished, the last thought landed exactly on the last key.

"Connor." This addictive feeling, was like Connor. You smiled softly to yourself. This is how you felt with Connor.

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