Chapter 12: No More.

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You woke up, and you smiled. You felt alright, despite everything that happened, you felt hope. You walked out of your room and you saw Kara. Kara smiled and you smiled back.

She placed your breakfast in front of you. You pulled the hair in front of your face behind your ear and began munching down on pancakes.

Once you finished, you gave the plate to Kara and walked back to your room to change. You got in a black tee shirt with a grey fuzzy hoodie over and black pants. You wanted to go outside because you felt good with yourself.

You walked to the door and put on your shoes. You walked towards the mall and got yourself some sushi.

As you kept walking, you saw Connor and Hank. You paused to look at them and Hank noticed you, he didn't say anything though but Connor did.

"Oh, hello Y/N." Your head had to be turned up just so you face him.
"I sense your temperature levels getting higher."
"I've been doing some walking... a lot of it."
"And I sense a lot of dopamine being released."
"U-Uhm... I like being at the mall...." He raised an eyebrow but Hank cut in.

"Come on, we're getting the god-damn tacos and dog food and we're leaving."
"Coming lieutenant." He turned back to you,
"We're having you come back to the police station for an investigation with us." He told you.
"Tomorrow." He finally walked back to Hank and Hank shouted at him. You continued walking, feeling good about yourself and thinking about the investigation.

You began walking home.

You knocked on the door and saw Kara's face when the door was open. You took off your shoes and walked inside. You set your bag down and walked to the library.

Tunes flowed into your ears with the help of earphones. Words of books gave access to imagination that your mind wouldn't have been able to think of. A few hours later, you began playing games on your phone.

You checked the time. It was 6:32. A smile spread to your lips, you felt really optimistic today. Your feet began leading you to the piano room. Your back straightened as you sat down. Your hands picked up one of the music books and opened it up to a random page. Your eyes looked at how smoothly your fingers walked across the keys. You felt happiness, true happiness. It had been a while, the feeling you had before wasn't true happiness, it was just being happy. There is a feeling to true happiness that's hard to explain.

But, you didn't like it when you immediately forgot what it felt like when it was replaced with surprise. The door bursted open and your heartbeat raced for a second. You turned around as you heard someone yell out.

"Y/N?" You rushed out of the piano room and you saw a police there. You were scared, your heartbeat was faster than a cheetah's running.

"Y-Yes?" He looked at you and grabbed your arm.
"Where are you taking me?" It was a surprise your heart wasn't dead yet.
"You're coming into the care of the police station until your parents come out of the hospital."
"What? What about Kara?"
"We can't let a deviant take care of you." They somehow found out she was a deviant. Your heart broke.
"What's going to happen to her?"
"She is going to be shut off."
"No.. you can't do that!"
"It's the law. We have to do it."
"Please, please! I beg you! Please! Keep her on!" You began crying. He began leading you downstairs as you begged and begged for Kara to stay activated. Your vision blurred as you heard him mutter to the other police.

"This bitch won't fucking shut up." You cried even more. You couldn't ever be happy, you couldn't ever have the happiness cool down after you sleep, it always had to be destroyed by bad news. You could see through all the blurriness, Kara's red LED become invisible and then her falling to her knees.

"I'll escort her to the car." You heard another man call out. You broke free of the police man's grip and kneeled down in front of Kara. You muttered her name before your head fell down to the floor and you began weeping even harder. You heard a familiar voice.

"Just let her be. She needs to recover. It is obvious she has grown an attachment to the Android so stopping her in the middle of her crying would be unwise to do." It was Connor again but you didn't care. You didn't care about your stupid crush on Connor, you only cared about Kara. You heard everyone leave the house and leave you alone with a dead body. It felt like an hour passed by.

You had run out of tears to shed and you sat, emotionless in front of Kara. You felt pain deep inside but you couldn't express it anymore.

You stood up and dragged Kara to the couch. You laid her on her back and put her hands crossed over her stomach. You then laid your head on top of her hands and fell asleep.

"Kara, please don't leave me..."
"I'm sorry... I can't come back." Tears flowed down your cheeks and as soon they clipped off your face, they floated in the air and mixed with the murky water above. You ran towards her, but she kept floating away. You ran as quickly as you could and eventually, she began slowing down. You smiled and hugged her tightly, but when you looked at her again, her lifeless body was rested on your arms. You cried, your tears still floating as soon as they parted from your chin.

"I love you, Kara..."

You woke up in a soft bed but in a white and dull room. You tried to remember what happened. You remembered Kara, this time you felt nothing, a painful nothing.

You took off the covers and sat on the edge of the bed. You were wearing the clothes you had on before.

"Where am I....?" You wondered to yourself.

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