Have You Not Seen? - Chibs

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"Awesome," you said as you looked to see the entirety of a grande mocha dripping down the front of your dress. This morning had started out so well, too. You'd decided that with spring in the air, it was time to brighten up your typical wardrobe choice and go with a flowing, a-line dress over the top of satin undergarments. Frankly, no one was seeing those any time soon, but wearing them made you feel pretty. Now, however, your dress was covered in brown liquid and you needed a change; there was no way you could work the office looking like this.

"Hey, Gem?" You called as you walked back into the tiny space after lunch. "Is there somewhere I can change?" You asked and she looked up from the computer and, taking you in, nodded.

"Yeah, sweetheart. Half the club is on a run and the other is in the shop or on repo duty, so you can use one of the dorms." She said and you nodded, turning on your heel to go get some things from your car.  You hadn't been sure that you'd want to wear the dress home, so you'd thankfully brought jeans and a top that you could switch into.

Once you'd collected your things, you moved into the clubhouse, noticing that it was really quite empty. You'd been working with Gemma in the office for Teller-Morrow for about six months or so, and had come to be familiar with the workings of the shop and the clubhouse. You'd even occasionally gone to one of the Sons' parties, though you'd been avoiding them lately.

You sighed as you walked up the stairs in the back. He'd caught your attention at nearly the first meeting, but it had never gone further than friendly, innocuous flirting. It was a shame, but you'd seen the women who had been hanging all over him at the various events. They were all the skinny, slightly curvy type that would be able to find something to wear in any store in America without even the slightest need to look hard. You, on the other hand, were not one of those women. There was junk in this trunk, and you knew it. It's why you'd been avoiding him.

Although he hadn't done anything to hurt you, you knew he had the power to. Over the six months you'd been here, you'd seen him. You'd noticed his movements, his speech, his laugh, his fury, and his sadness. He was a man full of emotion and he wasn't afraid to show it. In those times when he was laughing or smiling, it was like the whole world was sparkling. When he was sad, you could feel the dark clouds roll in. Somehow, without doing anything more than being him, he'd managed to capture your heart. Knowing that you were not one he'd ever look at, therefore, you'd retreated. He couldn't destroy you if you weren't close by.

You faced the long hallway and picked a random door. In the time with TM, you'd never been upstairs. As you walked into the room, you shook your head with disbelief. His smell. You were in the room he used. It would figure.

Deciding that it would be stupid to move to another room, since all you needed to do was slip out of your dress and into your other clothes, you moved over to the bed and laid out the jeans and top. Reaching behind your back, you unzipped the dress with some effort and let it slip to the floor. You then turned to your jeans and started to put one leg in, wiggling your foot to get the pant leg to straighten enough to slip it over you. It was in that moment, as you were standing in nothing but your underwear and bra, not even half into your jeans, when Chibs opened the door.

Your breath caught for a moment, your limbs frozen in shock, before the reality of him seeing you nearly naked struck your brain and you scrambled to grab your dress on the floor and hold it over you.

"Ah, lass!" He cried, turning his back when he saw your discomfort. "I'm sorry. I didna know ya were in 'ere." He said over his shoulder and your face flamed. Of course, he'd turned away.

"I, uh, needed to change." Your voice came out rough, your throat dry.

"Aye. I'll, uh, le' ya do tha'." He said, his own voice sounding odd to your ears. What must he think of you? He stepped out of the door, closing it with a click and you sank to the bed.

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