Belonging - Chibs

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You smiled at Chibs as he moved around the room, the sheets from his bed covering you as you watched. You two had been together for nearly three months now – a feat that you never would have predicted had you been asked the first night you'd met. Rather, had someone asked you then, you would have politely but firmly told them that Chibs was the kind of man who any sane woman would let nowhere near her heart. As it turned out, your initial hesitance was part of what sparked Chibs' desire for you.

"Are ya goin' ta be lookin' at me like tha' all day, love?" Chibs asked, amusement and challenge coloring his words.

"And if I do?" You asked, provoking him. He crawled up the end of the mattress, his bare torso coming to yours as he pushed you back against the bed.

"Don' think for a momen' I don' know wha' you're trying ta avoid." He said, his teeth nipping at your ear. You shuddered slightly and then let out a huff before your responded.

"I just don't think it's wise." You explained for the millionth time.

Chibs had been pestering you to meet your parents for a while now. You'd moved back to Charming shortly before he and you had met and you were staying with them while you got a job and had some money saved up. You were nearly in a position to move out, but your parents had been adamant that you stay as long as possible. Mom said it was because she missed you while Dad just said it made good financial sense.

After hassling you for what seemed like ages, you finally caved and set up a dinner with your parents and Chibs. You'd told him your concerns: your parents were traditional and safe-minded. They wouldn't take kindly to the fact that Chibs was with the Sons. In fact, you were pretty sure they'd have a litter of kittens over it. Chibs, however, hadn't backed down. He wanted to meet them, knowing that they lived in town and would no doubt continue to be a large part of your life after you'd found your own place.

Chibs raised a brow at you and you nodded and pushed at his chest. He smirked and stood, watching you as you got dressed in payment for you doing it to him. You exaggerated your movements, especially the bending over part, just to tease him. Chibs loved your ass. As if on cue, you felt a smart rap on your left cheek and you squeaked in surprise as you looked at the laughing man.

"I figured ya must 'ave wanted a spank, lass, if ya were going ta push tha' lovely arse out so much." He said and you shook your head and narrowed your eyes as you pulled your jeans up.

Once you were dressed, you and Chibs walked out of the room and to your car in the lot. To alleviate your fears, Chibs had offered to shed his kutte for the night and ride in "yer cage." You knew how big a deal it was for him to go without his colors, and so it had been the final push to secure your agreement to tonight. You only hoped that your dire predictions were wrong.

As you pulled up to the home of your youth, you smiled at the man beside you. Chibs may not be a good man in the sense that he did bad things, but he was the right man for you. He was caring and kind, funny and smart, sexy and protective. He was everything that you wanted in a man and you realized that the reason you were so hesitant to have him meet your parents was that you wanted them to know and love him like you did.

"It'll be alrigh', lass." He promised, stealing your hand for a kiss. You smiled and nodded. It would have to be. You wouldn't be leaving him.

The two of you made it up the path and you were about to open the door when it swung open to reveal your dad. With a false bravado that wasn't really him, your dad puffed up his chest and put out his hand for Chibs to shake. You'd already warned your folks of the age difference between you and your 'beau', as mom liked to refer to Chibs. They'd seemed to accept it, so at least that wouldn't be a problem as the night proceeded.

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