Finishing It - Opie

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"Motherfucker!" You yelled as you stomped out of your now ex-boyfriend's apartment complex and toward the street. The two of you had been rocky for a while now. You didn't tend to fight, but there was that underlying drifting away that you noticed, but no one voiced. It had reached its peak about three days ago, it seemed, when you realized that neither one of you seemed to care that the other hadn't spoken about anything of substance in nearly a week. Knowing that he would quietly continue living with something that was clearly dead, you'd decided to rip off the Band-Aid. So, you'd packed up all your stuff at his place and had waited for him.

When he arrived yesterday, you had the talk and it seemed like everything was amicable.  He agreed that there was nothing left and that it would be best to go your separate ways. You'd taken most of your things, planning on returning today to get what remained. When you got here, however, the asshole had left. He'd left and with all of your vinyl records from high school. They weren't worth a shit to anyone but you; a compilation of styles that frankly were embarrassing if people dug too deep, but which were all tied to specific memories from your past. And now, it would seem, they were all fucking gone.

"Asshole." You muttered as you got into your car, trying to think of where he would have disappeared to with them. If you could track him down, you knew he'd fork them over. He was too much of a pushover to fight you on it. You started up the car and started moving, only to feel the unwelcome lurch of a flat tire. Pulling over to the side of the road, you leaned your head back against the rest and closed your eyes. If the Rule of Threes were applicable, there was still one more thing that was going to happen to fuck up your day.

Stepping out of the car and toward the trunk, you raised it to find that the spare in it was also flat. Pulling your bottom lip up with a nod, you recognized it for what it was. Bad Thing #3. Well, assuming that this wasn't Friday the 13th, that should be the last of the bad luck for you today, so you moved around the car to get your cell. You Googled the nearest tow and it came up with Teller-Morrow, which was thankfully open right now. Moving around to sit on your hood, you dialed up the rescuers for hire.

"Teller-Morrow," came the voice of a woman. "How can I help you?" She asked and you spoke.

"Hi. I have a flat. I'm on Roundup Avenue, 1400 block. My spare is also flat because that's just how my day is going. Please tell me you have someone who can come out?" You asked and you heard the slight chuckle on the other end of the line.

"Sure thing, sweetheart. I'll get someone out to you right away." She said and you sighed in relief.

"Thank you!" You called into the line and then hung up and leaned back to wait. About ten minutes later, you heard the sound of an engine and turned to see a tow truck coming down the street. These guys were fast. You got off your car and waited while two men got out of the tow.

One of the men was tall - really tall - and had a dark brown beard. The other man was older, with longish hair streaked with grey and a longer beard to match. They both had tattoos and looked a bit like barroom brawlers, but they were polite as they approached you.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." The older one said and you re-evaluated your thought about him being polite. You gave him a look.

"Please, for the love of God, don't make my day worse and make me feel 100 years old." You begged him and both men smiled. You gestured to the car. "The back passenger side is flat and so is the spare." You told them and they nodded and moved around to look.

The taller one turned to you with surprise in his eyes before he spoke. "This wasn't accidental." He said and you came around to look at what he was pointing at. There was a slit in the tire on the side. Immediately, you knew that your ex had to be responsible. So, the asshole wasn't as cool with the end of things as you'd thought.

"Motherfucker, cocking damn it!" You yelled as you kicked the car, your temper overruling your manners for a moment. The two men looked at you with similar expressions of amusement and shock. Apparently, they weren't used to a woman in dress clothes swearing like a sailor. You took a deep breath through your nose and then looked them in the eyes.

"I'd appreciate it if you could fix it, or get me new ones." You said, handing over your business card before you started walking away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Called the older one as you walked around to the backseat of the car. You were pretty sure there was still one of your ex's rackets back there. Half a minute later, you raised up with it in your hand.

"Success!" You yelled and you knew your smile carried an evil gleam. The taller man tilted his head at you and your grin widened. "He wants to fuck with my car? I'm going to fuck with his shit. Asshole started this, but I'm finishing it." You said and then you closed the door and pulled out your phone to the continued stares of the two men. When the line picked up, you did your best impression of a distraught woman.

"Uh-hi, Sherri. Yeah, it's Y/N." You hiccuped and pretended to sob. "I need you to get a message to him." You pretended to hiccup again and sounded like you were unable to get a full breath in. "I found the slit tires and I'm scared. I've hired body guards to protect me." You gestured to the older one and he gave you a look. Covering the receiver, you whispered. "Just start talking in the background about how much you'll fuck him up, alright?" You asked and his eyes widened, but he started doing it. You turned back to the receiver. "I-i, I don't want him to get hurt, but he's acting like a psycho. I can't be with him anymore." You sobbed and hung up with a smile.

The two men who were there to help you with your car looked at you with varying expressions of approval. "So, who'd you call?" The taller one asked and you grinned.

"His mom." You said and they both started laughing uncontrollably. When they started to settle down, you raised the racket. "Can we run over this a few times before we take my car to your place to get it fixed?" You asked and they nodded, amusement still shining in their eyes. "Great."

The older one got to work as the taller one walked toward you. "I'm Opie." He said and you shook his hand, noting it enveloped yours. You smiled and told him your name. You could see the appreciation in his eyes as he and his friend loaded up your car.

"It's very nice to meet you, Opie."

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