Happy's Protection - Conclusion

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You spent the better part of the day trying to decide what the Hell to wear on a date with your biker protector. He'd insisted that you head inside your place yesterday, so you still didn't have a name to put to the face or body. It was something you knew you had to correct as soon as he got to yours, which should be any moment now.

Ultimately, you went with a flirty dress that was casual, but showed you off well. You'd liked the way his eyes had made you feel when he'd looked at you at the garage, and you wanted more of that feeling in the pit of your stomach. In order to keep it from looking like you were trying too hard, you went easy on the makeup and put your hair into a half do that should travel well, in case you were on his bike.

When the doorbell rang, your nerves got the best of you and you panicked. Maybe, you should have gone with jeans after all? It was too late now, though, so you sucked in a breath and opened the door.

His eyes traced over every inch of you and it almost felt like his hands were on you. When his eyes came back up to yours, you swallowed and smiled slightly. He nodded and jogged his head to the side, inviting you to come out. Grabbing your purse, you stepped out and turned to lock the door. When you turned back around, you found yourself flush with him.

"You look good, little girl," he rasped, his hand sliding over your waist.

"Thank you," you responded softly. His touch was burning into your skin through the fabric of your dress. "What do I call you, handsome?" you asked, somehow getting the words out without your voice cracking.

"Happy," he replied. You nodded and noticed that your hands had come up to his chest as he'd pulled you closer.

"Happy," you whispered, tasting the sound of it on your tongue as you looked at him. His eyes glinted and then, he was kissing you.

His mouth was firm and commanding, with nothing gentle about it. As your body and his met, you felt as if he was demanding every piece of you. There was no holding back, no teasing and no hesitation. Instead, you slipped into the passion as if you had finally met a love long lost to time. The emotion in his kiss was deep and dark and it wrapped around you, making you dizzy and exhilarated all at once. Quite frankly, you'd never been kissed like this in your entire life and there was not one atom in your body that wanted to stop.

When he lifted his head, breaking the caress of his lips and tongue from yours, you almost whimpered. Your eyes fluttered open. In his eyes, you saw heat and need and a possessive insistence that you responded to instinctively.

He didn't say anything in that moment. Instead, his hands slid up to your throat as he stared in your eyes. He nodded then and a smile broke over his face, sending dragonflies through your insides.

"Come," he said, stepping back but grabbing your hand to tow you along with him toward his bike in the drive.

Happy drove you to the outskirts of town, where there were races and stunts being performed along a hilly, dirt track. With one hand gripping your hip, he led you to the front and put you before him and then circled his arms around you. For an hour, he sucked on your neck and ears as you watched racers tear around and daredevils fly through the air.

"You hungry?" He asked and you nodded, nuzzling your head up into his neck. His smell was warm and almost spice-like and you could stand there, surrounded by it for hours.

"Let's go," he said, his voice slightly deeper than it had been a moment ago.

You nodded and turned with him, resting your head on his shoulder as you walked. There was just something about touching him that made you feel alive. When you got to his bike, he stopped and looked at you as if he were trying to make a decision.

"Is there something wrong?" You asked, concerned. The two of you hadn't talked much, but the way you felt around him was nothing short of delicious. Happy felt like a bright spot after such a rough year. You wanted to see where things could go and you really hoped he did, too.

"No," he said with a shake of his head.

Happy pulled you to him and kissed you again, letting his hands roam up the back of your thighs and sparking the kind of desire in you that you'd never felt before. You were so lost in the feeling that you forgot that there were others around you until Happy tensed and pulled his head away to look with anger over your shoulder. He straightened and nodded to you before stepping in front of you and staring down a couple of younger guys.

You hadn't heard what they said that got Happy's attention at first, but you caught the gist when they suggested that they'd like a turn when he was done. Your face flamed, realizing what it must have looked like, with you tangled up in Happy in the middle of the lot where his bike was parked. You'd lost track of your surroundings and, clearly, those around you had taken you for something that you weren't.

"Shut your mouth," Happy ordered, pointing at the two younger men. Their eyes swung to you, the taunting clear in their look as they leered. Suddenly, the dress you were wearing no longer felt flirty, but dirty.

You turned your eyes to the ground, staring at your shoes as you hoped the ground would open underneath you. As a result, you didn't see when Happy moved. Rather, it was the sound of fists meeting jaws that had you looking up suddenly.

As had been the case with Derek, Happy made quick work of sending the men to their knees. You watched with concern as a small crowd started to form, but Happy was oblivious to it. Instead, he leaned to both their ears and spoke too quietly for you to hear.

"We're so-sorry," one of the young men said, directing a pain-filled look to you. You nodded and Happy stood back and then turned to you. Without another word, you were flying on his bike once more.

When Happy stopped, it was at a food truck near a park that overlooked an arm of the river. He got food for both of you, but you picked at it. You'd been hungry before, but now, you were unable to force yourself to eat.

"What's wrong, little girl?" Happy asked, his eyes watchful. You shook your head, but he set his food down and gripped your chin, staring at you.

"In two days, you've ended up in fights because of me," you whispered. "I'm sorry." Happy shook his head, a touch of a smile lifting up one side of his mouth.

"I like protecting you," he responded before he bent his head and kissed you, making the world fall away once more.

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