A Princess & a Doll - Tig - I

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"Doll," he whispered against your skin as his mouth scraped over the soft side of your left breast. A soft moan sprung from your throat as you felt his facial hair mark you while he sucked until a dark oval was left where he'd been. His hands roamed your body, which was bare and lying on the soft duvet in your bedroom. You clutched his head as he moved over you to rise up and place a passionate, intense kiss that brought tears to your eyes with its potency.

"Please, Tig." You whispered when he lifted his lips from yours and he stared into your eyes as he entered you, the moans you both let go on the relief and pleasure of being together commingling in the air.

Your coupling was filled with emotion, so much different than it had been when the two of you had started this six months ago. Then, you had been aching and fast, pulling pleasure from each other's bodies in demanding ways that made it clear that you weren't there for anything more than the moment. While the two of you still found satisfaction in the hard and fast fucking that sometimes overtook your senses, your sex life had expanded to include lovemaking in its purest form - regardless that neither of you had spoken the words.

Tig rolled his hips into you as you met him time after time, the fire between you building until neither one of you could think beyond the feel of the other, forgetting all things but your lover's names. When the pressure of the pleasure had reached its peak, Tig thrust hard into you, hitting that delicious spot that left you breathless and without the ability to speak full words. You cried out as your climax pulled you from this world, hearing his own sounds of release in the distance of your beautifully fractured mind.

When you came back down from the high of your love, you kissed his forehead softly as his head lay against your chest. He opened his eyes and looked at you, smiling quietly as you shared a moment of silent joy. That joy, however, was something that was marred by the spectre of two men in both of your lives.

"We need to talk about it, Tig." You said and he let his head fall back to your skin as his eyes closed.

"I can't, Y/N." He said, his voice muffled by his position against you. "I can't tell them." He continued as he lifted his head, his striking blue eyes filled with sadness.

You shook your head and sighed, shifting so that you could get up and put a robe on. Tig let you go, knowing that you needed physical space, but followed you as you walked into your living room and started pacing. Neither one of you had expected this. Although you hadn't talked about what you meant to each other, you'd both known that if what had happened between you had lasted for any length of time, you were going to have to tell your dad and Jax. Somehow, though, you'd both avoided it time after time, week after week until you found yourself in the current predicament:  six months into a... relationship? Is that what you two had, you wondered.

You swallowed, intending to start the conversation again when you heard the telltale sound of a key entering your lock. Your eyes widened as you looked to Tig and pointed to the back room, instructing him without words to hide. The only people with keys to your place were the very people he'd just said he couldn't talk to about the two of you.

Tig's expression was pained as he nodded. He jogged down the hallway to your room and closed the door just as your front door swung open.

"Y/N," your dad said, a smile stretching his face as he walked toward you with his arms open. He pulled you into a hug, closing his arms around you and squeezing for a minute before pulling back.

"I hadn't seen you around the clubhouse in a bit, sweetheart." He said and you worked to hide your grimace. You'd done that intentionally so no one could pick up on what was going on with Tig. "I was starting to worry." He continued and you shook your head slightly as you gave your dad a smile.

"No need to worry, dad." You said. "I've just been busy." You explained and it was true, but the reason you were busy was something that you really couldn't tell him. Clay's brows came together as his head tilted a little and you started to sweat. He had the look he would get when he was putting things together.

"I recognize that smell on you, Y/N." He said, his tone hardening. "Where do I know it from?" He asked and your hands started to shake a bit so you clasped them together. You hadn't thought about Tig's cologne when you'd given Clay a hug.

You remained silent as you watched your dad run through all the men he knew in his mind until he came to a conclusion. His rage was apparent as his face flushed red and a vein popped in his neck. He just looked at you for a minute until he sneered and yelled down the hallway.

"Tig, you get your fucking ass out here right now, motherfucker!" He screamed and you raised your palms in the air as you stepped into your dad's path.

"Please, dad!" You cried, your eyes filling with tears. You knew this was exactly why Tig hadn't wanted to tell him and Jax. As you continued to move into Clay's path, blocking him from the back, you heard the bedroom door open and felt Tig approach.

"Move aside, baby doll." He said quietly, his voice firm but caring. "Clay and I need to talk." He said and you turned your head over your shoulder to stare at the man you'd come to love dearly. This was not how this was supposed to happen.

"I-i," you started to say when your dad put his hands on your shoulders and physically moved you to the side. You felt Tig tense, but he didn't say anything. Your dad pointed in Tig's face, his face a mask of anger and betrayal as he spoke.

"You get back to the fucking clubhouse, now, asshole." He demanded and Tig nodded without a word. Tig looked to you and you could tell that he wanted to kiss you like he always did before he left, but Clay stepped in his line of vision.

"You don't fucking look at my goddamn daughter." Clay gritted and Tig sighed and walked out the door.

"Please, dad." You said again. "We need to talk about this." You pleaded and the look he gave you almost broke your heart. It was a mixture of anger and loss, like you were no longer the person that he thought he knew. Without another word, he stalked out of your apartment and you sank to the ground, your head in your hands as you tried to wrap your mind around the fact that the best thing you'd ever had was probably over now.

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