With Me - Happy

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"Gotta' be fucking kidding me." You said as your car sputtered and hiccuped before coming to an unceremonious stop at the side of the road outside of Charming. You stepped out of the car, desperate for some fresh air. It had lost its AC unit some time ago, and so the only way to cool yourself while in it was the old 2-55 method:  two windows at 55 miles an hour. With it stalled out, the air in the cab was oppressive, nearly instantly causing you to start sweating down your back.

You walked to the front of the car and raised the hood, a national symbol of a piece of shit vehicle that was gasping for its last breath and the hope of someone who knew how to fix it. As you stepped back, you sighed. You had supplies in the back of the car. They were expensive, so you couldn't leave them to be found by some random person, and certainly not the cops. Checking your phone, you found that it was nearly dead, it's attempts at finding a signal having sucked the life out of it. Fantastic.

With not much else to do, you laid out a blanket you kept in the trunk over the back of the car and climbed up. You were just going to have to wait for some knight in shining armor to come to the rescue.

About a half hour later, you heard the rumble of what sounded like several motorcycles. It was the first sign of human life since your car had bit the dust, so you leaned up from your position to watch as four bikers approached you. You shook your head a little - they kind of reminded you of the Four Horsemen, a fact that any normal person would find scary but which had you a bit intrigued. When they saw you, they pulled in behind your car and you scooted down to the end of the trunk.

"You need a hand, little girl?" The bald one asked and you nodded.

"Or a crow bar, or a baseball bat, or someone with a magic wand to make this thing cooperate." You said with a smile. You saw the corner of his lips twitch a bit, as if he weren't used to smiling that often and the muscles weren't prepared for the instinct to do so. You hopped off the car and walked up to him, putting out a hand.

"I'm Y/N," you said and he took your hand in one of his larger ones.

"Happy," he replied and you grinned and nodded.

"Well, Happy.,I don't suppose you have a magic wand?" You asked and you could have been swallowed by a hole when the other bikers started chuckling and you realized the second meaning of what you'd just said.  "Oh, my God." You groaned. "Just shoot me now," you muttered as you ran your hands over your face, hiding from him and his friends - who were still chuckling.

He reached up a gloved hand to pull at your wrist so that he could look you in the eyes. "I can help you," he said and although you saw the amusement in his eyes, he was kind enough not to roast you for the poor choice of words you'd just used. You nodded and walked with him to the front of the car.

"It sputtered, then coughed, and then died. I have no idea what's wrong. I had the oil changed last week and there's still a half a tank of gas in it." You responded as he looked over the engine. He nodded, an acknowledgment of hearing you, but didn't speak as he poked and prodded at the metal under the hood. After a few minutes, he looked up at you.

"It's going to need some parts. We can get a tow and you can ride back with me." He said as he stalked back to his bike, clearly used to having people just do what he said. You licked your lips and looked away, trying to figure out how to word this. When he noticed you were not following, he turned back to you. You stepped close to him and spoke quietly.

"I, uh, have some things in the car that are best...left with my supervision." You said, trying to avoid too much of an issue, but needing to clarify why you wouldn't be going anywhere without this car. His demeanor turned evaluative and he nodded.

"Drugs?" He asked and you shook your head.

"No," you answered, but you didn't explain more. He looked back to the car and then you.

"Something on the other side of the law, though?" He asked and you took a chance.

"Yeah," you said and you could almost see the light of approval in his eyes. Well, either he and his buddies were going to kill you and take your things, or he thought it was great that you didn't exactly see eye to eye with law enforcement.

"What is it?" He asked and you hesitated.

"We're not going to hurt you, little girl." He said and, as odd as it seemed, you believed him. So, you huffed and walked toward the trunk. It was probably better if you showed him. Unlocking the trunk, you lifted the lid and saw him raise his brows. He looked over his shoulder to the other bikers.

"Jax." He said, calling a blond one to the end of the trunk and sufficiently raising the interest of the other two that they all got off their bikes and walked up to the end of your car. A younger, Latino appearing one whistled as he looked over the parts, while the older one with scars on his face looked at you.

"Ya a gun runner, lass?" He asked and you shook your head.

"No." You said. "I just," you paused and then continued. "I just find things that people are looking for." You explained. "Sometimes its parts," you gestured to what was before them, "other times it's other things." You finished and they nodded.  The blond one took out his cell - how the hell was he able to get a signal? - and made a call.

"Tig, have a tow we need you to come get. Old highway, about 4 miles out from Charming. Precious cargo." He said and then listened to the other end of the line. "Thanks," he responded and then hung up before looking to me. "We should talk. Perhaps there are things you can help us locate on occasion." He said and you nodded slowly. He turned back to his bike. "Juice and Chibs will stay with your parts, darlin'." He explained as he lifted a leg over and fired up his motorcycle.

You looked to Happy, who nodded. With a sigh, you closed the trunk and then turned to walk with him to his motorcycle. He handed you a helmet and then pulled you close to him as he turned the ignition. "You're coming with me." He said over his shoulder and you nodded as he pulled out and the wind blew against your face.

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