If You Decide - Kozik

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It was karaoke night at one of the local bars in Charming, and you and your crew were going. You'd all dressed up, your make up was right, and your pre-party drinks in your systems as you stepped through the doors of the bar and toward a larger, high top table. The five of you had been planning this evening for about a month - what with two of you with kids, one going through a divorce, another with a new boyfriend and your crazy work schedule, it had taken that long just to get the details squared away. Now, as you all ordered a round and settled in, you were ready to enjoy an evening a fun and laughter with the girls.

Karaoke was something that you all used to do with some regularity, and so there were no questions about the rules. The other four women would pick the song of their choosing, and whoever was up, had to do that song without question. The singer could choose to do it seriously or in jest, but she had to stay on the stage, mic in hand, until the last note. It was a blast that always ensured some fantastic videos on smartphones and stories for the next time the group of you got together.

An hour into the festivities, it was your turn to take the mic, and so you stood and waited by the stage. You wouldn't know the song that the others had chosen until you went up there and got in the lights. The employee gave you the nod and handed you the mic as you stepped up. The workers here knew about these nights, and since you all had fairly decent singing voices and always razzed up the crowd, they played into the game. Now, as you stood center stage, you saw that the lights were dimming slightly. The girls had chosen something naughty for you.

Sure enough, when the screen lit up, Nina Simone's rendition of "I want a little sugar in my bowl" came up. It was a sensual song meant to titillate the male senses and you decided that there was no reason why you couldn't do it as originally intended. Letting your lower, alto voice ring out, you caressed each word, envisioning the man you'd seen earlier in the bar as you sang. He wouldn't know it, but this song was about him and the fantasy that had rolled through your head when you'd seen him in his jeans, leather and tattoos. He had a quiet, dangerous quality to him that had called out to you and so you lost yourself in the thought of singing this deliciously sexual song to him.

When the song came to a close, the bar was silent for just a moment before your friends lost it at the table, hooting and hollering as if at a football game. They hadn't expected you to work the song like that, since you were more of the clown of the group. You smiled as they catcalled and whistled, walking down from the stage in the brightening lights. As you did, the man that you'd seen earlier stepped into your line of travel.

"What's your name?" He asked, and you told him. He nodded toward the stage. "That was fucking amazing." He said and you smiled.

"Thank you." You said and he looked over to the table where your friends were waiting.

"They your crew?" He asked and you nodded with another smile. You felt giddy, talking to this blond man, his spiky hair and kind blue eyes somewhat at odds with the biker clothes and ink on him.

"I don't want to interrupt ladies night." He said with a smile. "But if you'd give me your number, I'll call you and maybe you can sing for me, next time." He continued and your stomach flipped a little, knowing you'd been singing to him earlier.

"Gimme your phone, handsome." You said, teasing in your voice and he handed it to you. You put in your number and then sent a quick text to yourself from it so that you'd recognize it. "Who should I put in?" You asked and he stepped a little closer, talking almost into your ear over the sound of the next singer in the background.

"Kozik," he said and you shivered with the feel of his breath on your neck. You typed in his name and then looked up into his eyes.

"Well, if you decide to call, I'll know who it is, then." You joked, stepping away and toward your friends. He snagged your wrist and brought your knuckles to his lips.

"Oh, I'll call." He promised and then he let your hand go and he walked back over to his friends, who were all wearing the same leather as he. You were giddy as you walked back to the table with your friends, a grin stretching your face and a lightness to your step. Thank God, you'd come out this evening.

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