Like the Present - Juice

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You tugged at the hem of your dress as you walked in the lot of Teller-Morrow, a plate of cookies in your hands. You'd seen Juice around town for months now, but it was like he never saw you - not really, anyway. Although you made sure to give a little wave if you were too far away, or say hello when you were close, the fact of the matter was that he'd acknowledge your presence with the barest of smiles and then go back about his life. It was infuriating. How many hints did a woman have to give?

Today, however, all of that was going to come to an end. You'd decided that you weren't going to wait any longer. You'd make sure he noticed you and maybe you'd crash and burn. But, if you did, at least you'd know that you'd tried. 'You'd tried.' That mantra was on repeat in your brain as you got closer and closer to the shop, knowing that at any moment, you were just as likely to turn tail and run.   With a big breath in, you walked up to an open bay of the garage and looked inside.

"Hello?" You called out and one of the men you knew Juice hung out with came forward.

"Aye, lass. Can I help ya?" The Scot asked and your face flamed and you looked to your feet. This wasn't as easy as it looked in the movies. "Lass?" He asked again and you looked up into his curious eyes.

"I-is Juice here?" You asked, stuttering slightly on the question and feeling the heat further cover your face. You'd be red as a clown's nose at this point. The man, however, smiled and nodded.

"Juicy boy!" He called over his shoulder. "Ya have company!" He continued and you shifted on your feet. Maybe the cookies were overkill, you thought as you looked down at the plate. Shoot.

Juice came around the corner of the shop, a look of confusion on his face as he wiped his hands on a rag. God, this was such a horrible idea. What were you thinking?

"Hello?" He said as he approached and the Scot wandered off to another part of the shop. Well, there was nothing to it, now. You had to do something.

"Hi. I'm Y/N." You said, your face so hot that you were sure the sweat from your temples was going to disappear into a cloud of steam. Juice nodded and you reached out to hand him the cookies. "I, uh. Shoot," you said, your words just not coming out right. "I made these for you." You said in a rush and then you turned on your heel and fled. 

That settled it, you thought as you sat at home. You would become a hermit. You could order your groceries delivered and you could try to find a telemarketing job or something that would allow you to stay inside all day long because there was no way you were ever going back outside and potentially run into Juice again. It was too embarrassing.

"I'm such an idiot," you muttered as you rested on your couch, not watching the T.V. that was on  across from you. You shook your head. All the confidence that had powered you through making the cookies and dressing up and walking to TM had completely abandoned you when he'd been within reach. Looking at the time on your phone, you decided that you might as well just call it a night and you turned off the T.V., heading down the hallway to think about the disaster of a day from the quiet of your queen bed.


The following morning you woke up late, having been up most of the night going over all the things you could have said or done yesterday but didn't. As you stumbled out of bed, you looked to the clock to see that it was almost noon and grumbled. Half of the day was gone. But then, you were still fairly confident that you'd be spending the rest of your life alone in this apartment, so what did it matter what time it was?

On the thought, you smiled just a little grimly. If you weren't leaving, then there was no reason to change into something more decent. So, you stayed in your spaghetti strapped tank and sleep shorts and you plopped down on the couch as you pulled out your phone. If you were going to be angst-ridden and ridiculous, you might as well go big - and there's no better way to do that than with a huge amount of Chinese take out and a marathon of bad T.V.

Your plans at the hermit life, however, were sunk when the Chinese place was closed and you had no desire to eat pizza. Grousing the entire time, you went and put some clothes on and threw your hair into a ball cap. You'd never seen Juice in the grocery store around the corner, so you could get yourself some junk food there.

That was the plan until you walked around the corner in the store, intent on the frozen aisle, and found Juice looking at ice cream. In your near immediate panicked, flight response, you tripped over your own two feet and went down. Dear God, there was just no end to the punishment you were going to suffer for daring to think that he might go out with you, was there?

As you moved to get up, your butt sore and your pride worse, you felt strong, warm hands on your arms. You didn't need to look up to know it was him because you saw the tattoo on his forearm.

"Are you okay?" He asked and you nodded, avoiding his eyes. "Hey, you're the pretty baker from yesterday, aren't you?" He asked, his hand coming underneath your chin to lift it so that he could look in your eyes. You did the only reasonable thing; you lied.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." You said and moved to back away, but he still had one hand on your arm. He smiled that wide, glorious smile that had first drawn you to him and shook his head.

"Nah. It's you. Why'd you bail yesterday?" He asked and you looked around, as if the frozen pizzas would give you the inspiration necessary to escape this.

"Uh, yeah." You said. Great. That's eloquence for you, right there. "I- oh, shit. Might as well 'fess up, right?" You said, looking at an amused, if slightly confused Juice. "Look, you're handsome. And adorable. And have this fantastic smile and I've seen you around Charming for ages but you never really noticed me and I thought I'd make you cookies and then you'd finally see me and then maybe we'd go out but then I panicked and ran and now I'm going to do the same thing." You word-vomited all over him, pulling back and walking the other direction, desperate to get out of the building.

"Hey!" You heard him call, but you walked faster. "Hey, wait!" He said, jogging to catch up with you. "Stop." He demanded, a hand on your arm and you did, but you didn't look at him. Your face was betraying you again and was strawberry red.

"Why don't we hang out?" He asked and your eyes flew to his in surprise.

"What?" You asked, not comprehending what he was saying. He looked down at his feet for a minute, almost looking shy, before he looked back up and answered.

"I think you're pretty. And adorable. And have a nice smile and I've seen you around Charming and would like to get to know you better."  He said and your heart started to race at the sweetness of him repeating your words to you. You couldn't help the large smile that took over your face as you nodded.

"I'd really like that," you said and he grabbed your basket from you and then your hand. You tilted your head at him.

"No time like the present," he responded to your unvoiced question and you smiled again and walked to the register with Juice. Perhaps, being a hermit was overrated.

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