With Me - Part II - Happy

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The Sons of Anarchy were a bunch of half-grown children. As you looked around at the barely dressed women, alcohol and raucous party, you couldn't help but think of Peter Pan's Lost Boys. For fuck's sake, they even called this place their clubhouse. You smirked at the thought. They may be a bunch of dangerous men, but they were also squarely in the middle of childhood fantasies of cops and robbers. Men really are from Mars.

"What's funny, little girl?" Happy asked you as he approached from where he'd been playing pool. You'd just gotten out of a meeting with the club president, Clay, and were about to check on your supplies outside. You turned to face the striking man and shook your head.

"Nothing, Death." You said as you started walking toward the door. Of the Four Horsemen, Happy easily took the position of Death. It wasn't even a close call. You felt him follow you outside and watch as you breathed clear, fresh air. The clubhouse smelled of skank.

"You were thinking something." He pressed and you looked over your shoulder with a shrug.

"Doesn't matter what I was thinking. What matters is getting the supplies to their rightful owner." You said as you started walking again, now having seen the back end of the piece of shit car in the garage bay. You only got a few steps when you felt Happy's hand on your arm.

"Don't walk away from me," he demanded, his voice hard. You sighed and considered your options. Death certainly looked like he'd seen the inside of a fight more than once. However, you'd have the element of surprise on him, which might mean you'd be able to do enough damage to make him rethink his position. As you looked up into his eyes, you found them shocked.

"You thinking about taking me down, little girl?" He asked, disbelief in his tone. You twisted your lips. So much for the element of surprise. You looked away and moved your arm, a silent request that he let you go. He nodded and did, but stepped closer.

"You think you could do it?" He asked, his voice raspy and nearly condescending. You chuckled. Well, you might just have that element after all, you thought as you acted without forethought.

You brought your boot down on his instep, sliding the rough tread over his shin as you did. He grunted as you cocked an elbow back and then jabbed him right under the jaw, causing him to take several steps back to gain his balance. He reached up and ran a hand over his jaw, smiling with intent as he walked back to you. Fuck.

"Good. I didn't see it coming that time." He praised and you looked at him in confusion. Why wasn't he beating your ass right now? He must have seen the question in your eyes because he shook his head and leaned close to your ear.

"The hands I want to lay on you don't involve causing you pain, little girl." He said and you swallowed. That was downright sexy, but he needed to understand the lay of the land.

"I can offer you a night, Death, but then I have to hit the road." You said, your eyes meeting his as he pulled back. "Don't you pull any alpha male, Neanderthal shit on me, either. When I say I'm done, I'm fucking done." You continued and he nodded as his hands wrapped around your ass.

Happy pulled you to him as his mouth came down to meet your lips, a nearly punishing kiss full of the kind of fire that could burn the city down. You returned it with equal fervor, allowing your hands to slide down his form and ghost over his jeans. He grunted with approval as he picked you up and walked you toward the garage, a good twenty feet away.

Once inside the garage, Happy pressed you against the wall, allowing his hands to roam while your own shed his clothing. You wanted him bare. He chuckled lowly and stepped back, ridding himself of his kutte, shirt and jeans before stepping back into you.

You'd taken the moments he was removing clothing to lose your own, and so you felt the skin of his body, the heat emanating off of him, as he caged you into the wall. His mouth explored your collarbone before he licked down to your nipple and pulled the bud into his mouth, sucking and causing you to cry out. As he lavished your breast, his hands came down and ripped your panties away, causing a primal appreciation to spike through you.

"Now, Happy." You demanded as you gripped his length through his boxers and he turned away. You heard the sound of foil ripping and smiled in anticipation. In less than a minute, Happy was back to you, pushing your body further up the wall as he aligned himself and thrust.

"Happy!" You cried out as he set a furious pace, pulling moans and screams from you.

"Yes," he said, and you could hear that he was getting closer by the sound of his voice. You leaned down and bit his ear.

"Cum for me," you demanded. You were so damn close yourself. On your words, Happy thrust harder and deeper, sparking the tornado of pleasure to take over. In the distance of your own mind, you could hear him shout with his own gratification.

The two of you stayed connected for several moments, your breath slowly coming to normal. You chuckled as you placed a nip on Happy's neck.

"Good job, baby." You said, your voice teasing. Happy pulled back, amusement in his eyes and a smile on his face. He nodded and then stepped away from you, causing you to moan at the loss of him. He tossed the condom and then moved to grab his clothing while you started getting your own.

Once you were dressed, you smiled and turned to walk away, only to find Happy's hand on your arm again. You looked at it with surprise and then up into his eyes.

"The night's not over, little girl." He said as he looked into your eyes, his showing heat once more.

"I had the impression you lot aren't too keen on second helpings, Death." You said, curiosity striking you. You'd known exactly what you were offering him, and what he was likely to actually want, when you'd spoken earlier. Happy shook his head.

"I was made to fuck you." He said, causing passion to pool inside of you once more. Well, if he was game, then you'd be more than okay with a repeat performance.

"Well, I'd hate to leave you wanting." You teased and then looked over at your car. "I need to get those parts to Lodi by ten tomorrow morning or I will end up with some missing organs." You told him. "So, we have until about eight to have some more fun." You finished and he nodded as he lifted you against him once more. This time, he took you to the clubhouse, past the partying Sons, and up the stairs - the two of you getting no rest as you spent the night pulling the sounds of pleasure from each other over and over.

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