A Princess & a Doll - Tig - II (Conclusion)

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After a good five minutes of wallowing in self pity, you decided that you wouldn't go down without a fight. You got up, running to the back room and throwing clothes on as quickly as possible. Tig and your dad had probably sped to the clubhouse, and you didn't have a motorcycle, so it would take you a bit longer to get there. However, if you hurried, you might be able to stop the bloodshed you were afraid was headed Tig's way.

You ran out to your car, throwing yourself behind the wheel and starting it up without bothering with your seat belt. It took you too long to get to the clubhouse. It was as if the entirety of Charming had decided to drive in your way and a good five miles under the speed limit. You were frustrated and ready to pull out your hair when you finally got to the lot.

You parked your car at an angle and clambered out of it, searching around for any sign of your dad or Tig. Their bikes were here, but you couldn't see them anywhere. You jogged over to the clubhouse doors, finding the place nearly empty. There was a random prospect behind the bar, though.

"Where are Clay and Tig?" You demanded, your voice frantic and he paused for a minute, swallowing before answering you.

"Uh. They are at the ring with the rest of the guys." He said. You turned so quickly to leave that you almost missed hearing him finish. "Jax and Tig are going at it."

The pit of your stomach dropped and tears started up in your eyes again as you ran to the ring at the back of the Teller-Morrow property. When you came upon it, you saw Jax wailing on Tig, who was standing still in the ring, not defending himself at all, but just accepting a beating from the younger man.

"Tig!" You cried and you felt Chibs catch you by the waist as you tried to climb into the ring to stop this madness. "No!" You screamed as Jax had a particularly brutal hit to Tig's face, driving him down to the mat.

Your dad was standing off to the side, sneering at what was happening in the ring but clearly pleased with the punishment Jax was meting out. You stared at him in disbelief. How could he do this? Why would Tig just take this?

"Please," you cried, your voice hoarse from the screams earlier. Chibs continued to hold you as tears streamed down your face. You stopped struggling to get into the ring and shrugged him away, working your way to your dad.

"Don't do this." You demanded, anger finally making its appearance in your own voice and expression. "DOn't you fucking do this!" You screamed at him. He looked at you in surprise and you turned to Jax.

"Jax!" You yelled. "You hit him one more time and you won't see me ever again." You continued. Jax heard enough through the haze of his anger to turn to you, shock on his face. You used the pause in his actions to climb into the ring and stand in front of him as Tig moved to get up. You looked at Clay and Jax both, your hurt clear as day as you spoke with determination.

"I love him." You said. You felt Tig come up behind you, his breathing labored as his hands slid around your midsection.

"I love her." He said, just as firmly. Your hands came up to squeeze his forearms and you leaned back into him, desperate to feel more of him. You looked at Jax and Clay, both of whom had nearly identical looks of disbelief on their faces.

"Don't make me choose, dad." You said as you looked to Clay.

Clay's brows came together as he climbed up and into the ring. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the rest of the Sons disperse, clearly deciding that this was a family moment that didn't need their eyes. You waited for Clay to come up next to Jax before you spoke again.

"I want him." You said to the two of them. "He's my world." You explained and you could see the moment when Jax and Clay both realized what you said was true. They looked up and over your shoulder, no doubt into Tig's eyes.

"She's my Old Lady." He said, his voice full of emotion. "I can't be without her." He concluded and Jax nodded, his face easing from the rage that had held him in its thrall. He pointed to the two of you.

"You two are fucking sure?" He asked. "No doubts?" He demanded and you nodded and felt Tig do the same. Whatever he saw in your eyes and Tig's, it must have been enough to convince him because he nodded and let his shoulders slump.

"Fine. Then I won't say shit." He said and left the ring. You knew it would take him a while to come to terms with it, but at least this meant that he wouldn't actively be trying to kill the man you loved, now. You turned to Clay, who was staring at you both.

"How long?" He asked and you swallowed. Your dad hated being kept from things, but you had to tell him or he'd never believe that things between you and Tig were serious.

"Six months." You heard from behind you, Tig's voice answering your dad's question. A flash of anger streaked across Clay's face before he sighed and looked away, his hands on his hips.

"I won't put up with bullshit, brother." He said, not looking at Tig as he spoke to him. "She's my princess." He said, his voice carrying his emotions as he struggled to keep them under control. Tig moved from behind you to stand in front of Clay and nodded.

"She's mine, Clay. My doll. My one. My Old Lady." He said. "No bullshit." He said, his breath still heavy from the exertion of the pounding he'd taken from Jax. Clay turned to look him in the eyes and nodded.

"Alright." He said and you finally breathed a complete, full breath. The air in your lungs felt sweet as you flung yourself at your dad.

"Thank you." You said, your eyes shining with your happiness. He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you. Like Jax, you knew he'd need some time to get accustomed to the idea of all this, but he, too, had accepted it enough so that you and Tig could live in peace and out of hiding. You stepped back and he nodded to Tig before he left the ring.

You turned around, saddened to see the bruising and blood on his face. You walked up to him, your hands cupping his face as you searched his eyes. His were swirling with his feelings and you nodded.

"I love you," you told him softly. "I love you so very, very much." You repeated and he smiled.

"I love you, doll." He said, his head bending to place a kiss on your lips. "I love everything about you." He said and you snuggled into his arms, your head coming to rest on his chest as you listened to his breathing. After a minute, you looked up and into his eyes again.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, Tiggy." You said with a half smile and he nodded with a smirk.

"What kind of man would say no to the woman of his dreams asking to play nurse?" He asked and you laughed, relieved and deliriously happy.

"You know," you said coyly. "I might just have an old Halloween costume that was billed as a 'sexy nurse'." You told him and he immediately picked you up and moved you to the edge of the ring, pushing you to get out. When you were on the ground, he picked you back up, tossing you over his shoulder as he walked you toward the lot.

"We need to find that outfit right fucking now."

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