My Ex-Aid OCs

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Trust me, I have a lot of them.

I probably won't make this into a story because I have other stories to plan out. Mecha Rider would probably be the only toku book I'll make.

I have a few more from other series along with original series. Drawings would be rare because I suck at them XD

Let's get to Ex-Aid.

Just note that this will be a long chapter because it contains a lot of characters and stuff. It won't be properly organized and stuff XD

Kamen Rider Dakku

The main character is Rei Haku. Nothing else. Just a name XD

He uses the Dakka Dakka Danmaku Gashat to transform into Kamen Rider Dakku, the Danmaku Gamer. The gashat was created out of a blank gashat through Willpower and the infusion of the Bang Bang Danmaku Gashat. The Bang Bang Danmaku Gashat was the strongest Bang Bang Gashat at the time.

Dakku's extra forms will be revealed after I do the other riders.

Kamen Rider Proto-Dakku

A user by the name of Kiryu Same resides in the Bang Bang Danmaku Gashat due to some incident in the past. His Level 2 rider form can be summon through the right-most Gashat slot or the Kimewaza Slot holder.

Kamen Rider Reverb

He uses the Encore Rocker Gashat to turn into the Rock Star-based rider. He can also use the Nonagram Puzzler Gashat to become the Puzzler Rocker Gamer LV3.

Kamen Rider Hebi

The Espionage Gamer; he uses the Tactical Espionage Gashat to transform. He can also use the Raiden Hackblade Gashat to become the Hackblade Espionage Gamer LV3.

Kamen Rider Medimage

The Healing Gamer; he uses the Mahou Healing Gashat, which allows him to enter Level X. Oh yeah he later dies and gives Dakku his Gashat.

Kamen Rider Malware

The Virus Gamer; he uses the Infection Virus Gashat.

Kamen Rider Malware Zero

The Virus Gamer; this rider was originally Patient Zero in the Infection Virus Zero experiment. He uses the Infection Virus Zero Gashat, which is the original unmodified form of Infection Virus. He kills Malware through Virus transfer.

Unlike Malware, who uses a Gamer Driver to transform, Type Zero uses the Buggle Driver as the Buggle Driver can withstand the effects of the gashat.

His level is 0.

Kamen Rider Zetonix (Pronounced Zay-Tonix)

The user is Kuroto Dan's long lost Brother, Shiroto Dan. (see what I did there... :D)

He originally was the host for Malware Zero using the Infection Dead Virus Gashat. However, it was neutralized and later became the basis for Infection Anti-Virus Z (the Z is Zeta). The level identification is X.

The driver used is the Zetacon Driver, which is a modified version of the Buggle Driver.

Kamen Rider Malware NEO

Originally Malware Zero, he was resurrected in a new body and uses the Infection Virus NEO Gashat. His Level identification is NEO.

Kamen Rider Vibras

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