Chapter 9

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Sutter's POV

"I just really don't think this is a good idea." I tell my little sister Jo, for like feels like the twentieth time. She's stubborn as hell and doesn't like being told no.

"Your reasoning for why it's not a good idea, literally makes zero sense. Lilly is more than likely going to be there since most of the football team was invited. This is going to give you another chance to be alone and to talk to her."

"But we're not going to be alone, its a house party. And the last thing I need to do is get pissed from seeing her and Denny together, cause a scene, and ruin the progress I've made with her."

She crosses her arms across her chest. "Pussy." She says.

"What?" The hell did she just call me.

"You heard me, I called you a pussy. You're scared for her to pick Denny over you, and thats why you don't want to go."

I throw my hands up in the air dramatically. "Of course I'm scared she's going to pick him over me, I'm fucking terrified of that. I have no problem admitting that. But my main concern is honestly pissing her off at me again, and her not speaking to me. We had a good talk the other morning, I could feel her coming back to me. Why would I want to jeopardize that?"

"As long as you keep your cool, you won't be in danger of jeopardizing anything. And to tell you the truth, most girls like it when guys show their protective side. She'll never admit it but I'm willing to bet that pissing contest you had with Denny at the bar she works at, really got her going."

I consider her words for a minute, before finally agreeing. "What the hell, I guess I'll go. But if anything goes wrong, you better be ready to take the fall for it."

Jo holds her hand up in the air. "Scout's honor. Besides, I'm so happy to see her I could scream. I just hope she's happy to see me too." I can tell by her voice she's worried Lilly is going to shoot her down too.

"It's not you she's mad at. Besides, you were like thirteen when we left. It's not like you had any choice or say in the matter." I try to reassure her.

"I know, but still. I tried to contact her a couple of times while we were away, and she never responded to me."

I take a deep breath and then stand up to go change into some house party appropriate clothing. "Guess we'll find out soon enough."

I had a bad feeling about tonight, but I couldn't deny my hope at trying to figure out more answers.


I was worried about riding with Jo and her friends, because I didn't want to look like a loser coming back to my first party here pulling up with a bunch of younger girls, and one being my sister. Thankfully though, Jesse's little sister was one of her friends, and she had it arranged for me and him to ride together instead. I really should give my sister more credit sometimes.

Jesse and I pull up to the party in his truck around 8:30, and the party is already in full swing. It's at a guy named Fuller's lake house, and you can see kids jumping off the docks and into the lake. Bodies lining up the sides of the pool, and a shit ton of people inside too playing drinking games and mixing together God knows what in the kitchen.

My eyes start seeking her out before I even realize what I'm doing. They finally land on her when I spot her leaning back in a lounge chair, in a tiny maroon colored bikini, laughing and talking with some girl I don't recognize.

God she looks so good, and I want nothing more than to go over and talk with her again. When we talked the morning after I found her in the pond, she still didn't sound like the Lilly I knew before I left, but I could tell she was letting out some emotions that she had been hiding from everyone else, maybe even herself.

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