Chapter 48

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Sutter's POV

My knees wont stop bouncing, whether out of anxiousness or to keep myself awake, I'm not sure. The waiting room is full of people, all of the chairs full and bodies even covering the surface of the hard, tiled floor.

I'm still surrounded by a couple of our friends, and my parents finally arrived a couple hours ago, along with Cross's dad and step mom. To say that was awkward would be an understatement. Neither of them of course wanted to cause a scene in a crowded hospital waiting room, surrounded by people who were hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. My dad looked like he wanted to go over to my uncle and speak to him, but he kept himself firmly planted in the chair beside my mom, who hadn't stopped crying yet.

When my parents ran through the hospital doors together, you could literally see their bodies relax with relief when they saw Jo and I sitting here. My mom took one look at our solemn expressions though and knew something wasn't right, especially when she looked at the other faces surrounding us and realized someone in particular was missing.

"Where's Lilly?" She finally asked, after covering Jo and I in kisses and warm hugs.

I just bowed my head, not able to talk about it, feeling like if I open my mouth the nausea I'm trying to keep down is going to finally bubble out.

"That's who we're waiting to see, she was hurt pretty bad." Jo whispered, and the guilt was thick in her words. She explained the whole situation to my parents, and after she told them what Fuller did, my dad came and sat beside me, patting me on my shoulder. 

"She's tough son, she'll be okay." He said, though his words didn't hold much conviction for me. Because how could he know that? He didn't see her broken body, and the amount of blood that seemed to surround her on that wooden floor.

Jo proceeded to tell my mom about Cross as well, which led to my dad getting up and calling my uncle to let him know what had happened to his son. His reaction coming in the waiting room seemed even worse for some reason, having lost his wife already seemed to throw him in some other kind of demeanor when faced with the possibility that he may be losing a son soon as well.

And I knew the feeling of losing a child all too well, all too recently. That kind of pain never goes away, never eases up on you. It's just something you learn to live with, the familiar ache and hole that suddenly takes place in your chest cavity becomes the normal.

I knew losing Lilly would completely annihilate my heart though, seeing as how she owned the other half of it. The only person I loved in this world as fiercely as I loved her was already gone. Surviving without her wasn't an option for me.  And as much as I hated to admit it, losing my cousin would fucking suck too. No matter what shit went down between us, he was still important to me. He was still a good person who didn't deserve to die at the young age of eighteen.

I couldn't get the image of Cross's body covering Lilly's, and neither one of them moving or speaking.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, the nurse who had been coming and giving us updates on Lilly's progress walked out from the sliding glass doors where my girl was at. She saw us and smiled, which caused hope to flare in my chest.

I shot up out of my seat to get to her first, to be able to hear the news before anyone else could. My heart felt like it was beating so fast that it was about to take flight right out of my chest.

"How is she?" My voice is hoarse from not speaking for hours.

"She's awake. I just went and told the on call doctor and he was going to assess her first before we let anyone else back there to see her, but he gave me the go ahead to come and tell you folks. It's nice to deliver some good news on a day like this." Shes smiling and I heard everything she said but I'm more focused on the fact that she said she's awake.

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