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     Olivia's P.O.V

I got a call from Ryan saying that Hannah was in the hospital. I went to the Pack's hospital and asked the woman that was by the front desk Hannah's room number. She gave me then I thanked her. I ran towards Hannah room to see Ryan with his head in his hands.

"What happened babe?" I asked looking at him. He looked at me and I saw his eyes flashed gold, which made me realize that he was mad.

"Your daughter and her stupid friends that did this. I didn't even did anything wrong to them" Hannah stated crying loudly. Ryan went over to her and hugged her telling her its okay.

"Your daughter did this to my baby girl", he said looking at me with pure hatred in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry" I looked at him seeing he was about to shift into his wolf.

"FIX THIS NOW!!", he yelled while looking at me. I nodded my head and walked back to the pack's house looking for Lola.

"Do you know where Lola is?" I asked looking at one of the pack warriors.

"She is in her bedroom with her friends" he replied looking at me.

"Is Jacob there?"

"No he is in his office in a meeting"

I thanked the man and walked towards Lola's room ready to give her piece of my mind.

      Lola's P.O.V

We and my girls were having fun in me and Jacobs room. We were eating popcorn and drinking cokes while watching Think Like A Man 2. The boys were in a meeting that will end at five thirty. We were laughing and having fun when the door flew open and slammed shut revealing my mother.

When I saw her I remember the dream I had last night and all the things that Hannah told me that she said. The girls saw her and stopped everything.

Mackenzie got up and went over to my mother who was standing in front of the TV.

"Umm sorry but you're not made out of glass"

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?? I am Connor's mother and you are his mate"

"Don't you think I know that?" Mackenzie said rolling her eyes.

"I won't hesitate on slapping the rudeness out of you"

"The same way you slapped Lola? your daughter?"

"Shut up!! You don't know anything"

"Don't tell me I don't know anything. You slapped your daughter because she was trying to comfort her older brother, What kind of mother are you? all I said was that you were blocking our view from the TV"

"You are so rude"

"Umm you're not made out of glass, so I suggest you turn around and leave this room right now"

"I need you guys attention and standing in front of the TV is the only thing I can do to get it"

"Umm I'm not gonna waste this movie on you so move let me pause my damn movie"

I don't know if I should be mad at Mackenzie for talking to my mother like that, but it was good to know that she was not gonna take no shit from her.

"What are you doing her mom" I looked at her while standing up and walking over to Mackenzie with Selena following me.

"Can't I not visit my daughter?" She asked looking at me innocently.

"I'm not gonna ask again... what do you want?" I said loosing my patience.

My mother walked up more to me and.............. slapped me across my face so hard I could have sworn my neck almost broke. I looked at her in disbelief.

"What the hell is wrong with you??!!" I yelled looking at her like I wanted to kill her.

"What did you do to my mate's daughter?" she asked looking furious.

"We beat her up.....Duh!!" Mackenzie said looking at my mother like if she had grown an extra head.

"Well I just came her to warn Lola "

"You have to go through me and Selena first" Mackenzie said while looking at my mother.

"Yup, you ain't gonna touch her once we're here" Selena said while glaring at my mother.

I looked down and saw fireballs in my mothers hand and I looked over at the girls seeing they were calm like it didn't bother them.

My mother threw the fireball at them but before I could use my fairy powers to help them they each had a shield which protected them.

Before my mother could continue Mackenzie yelled out, " roots I command you to tie her up" suddenly I saw roots that came from the bottom of the ground and tied my mother up.

Sometimes I forget that Mackenzie was the fairy of nature she never uses her powers. I usually see Selena using her powers for singing or playing instruments.

My mother looked at me and all I saw was anger in her eyes.

"I hate you Lola"

"What have I done to you?"

"Just because you think you're powerful doesn't mean anything I won't hesitate on taking you down"

I looked and saw Jacob and the boys already in the room. Jacob ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"Babe are you okay?", he asked with concerned.

"I will be leaving now Lola " my mom said going out of the door.

"I hate her" I whispered to Jacob.

"I know baby"

"No, you don't know. You don't know how it feels like to be hated, you don't know how it feels to have your parents hate you. You don't know Jacob , I can't take all of this anymore. She hates me because I have powers and I'm powerful."

I started crying. I didn't know what to do or think.

My mom hates me and it hurts like crazy.

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