The Beta's Mate

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         Jacob's P.O.V

I have to admit I didn't want Lola meeting my family. When we arrived back at the Pack's house I went up to my office and the others followed me. Right now we are in my office. I am sitting behind my desk and Lola is standing right next to me, Carter and Selena are sitting on the sofa, Mackenzie and her mom are sitting on the two chairs with Mackenzie's brother sitting on Mackenzie's lap in front of my desk and Connor is standing behind Mackenzie with my Beta and T.I.C.

"Well everyone thank you for coming here to discuss this matter" I said as they nodded their heads.

"Well everyone this is Mackenzie's mother Candace and her little brother Cameron. They were attacked by the trix last week."

"But alpha why would the trix come and attack them?" my beta Owen asked

"Well Owen, the trix was looking for Mackenzie for some stupid reason"

"Only if she have some dealings with them" Owen mumbled under his breath, but having wolf hearing we heard exactly what he said.

Connor walked over to him and punched Owen in the face. Everything happened so fast. Owen was on top of Connor punching the shit outta him. Connor was now on top punching Owen hard and not stopping. I walked over to them and Liam my third in command and also Owen's brother pulled Owen away from Connor and since Connor had alpha power it was really hard to stop him so Mackenzie came and touched Connor's shoulder and I saw him relax and got off of Owen.

"What the f*** is your problem man??!!" Owen yelled looking at Connor.

"That's what you get for accusing my mate of such a thing" Connor said calmly.

"What if it is true?!!" Owen shouted more loudly

"I swear to God imma kill your ass!!!" Connor yelled walking up to him but Mackenzie pulled him back.

"DO IT !!! I DON'T CARE BUT I WON'T HESITATE ON KILLING YOU AND YOUR MATE" Owen yelled pushing Liam aside and walking up to Connor.

They started fighting again but this time I see Connor's eyes have flame in them showing that he was really mad. I couldn't take it anymore.

"CONNOR AND OWEN STOP THIS FIGHT NOW OR IMMA SEND BOTH OF YOU IN THE DUNGEON" I said using my alpha tone on them. They stopped fighting immediately and Connor got up off Owen.

"Sorry Jacob" Connor said looking down.

"Its alright Connor. I understand" I said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"OKAY, SO YOU COULD FORGIVE THIS MUTT BUT NOT YOUR BETA??!!" Owen shouted at me. I snapped my head in his direction and laughed.

"Owen, you never ask for my forgiveness" I said in a low voice but it sounded deadly. Lola come up to me and hold my hand as she know that I am slowly but surely getting angry.

I looked down at her and kissed her lips sweetly.


That's when I lost it and punched him in the face, he tried to punch me back but he couldn't because I was way stronger than him. Lola ran up to me and pulled me back.

I got up off him and walked out of the office going in my room.

An hour later Lola came in the room. I got up and pulled her on top of me and I put my head in her neck where the my mark is and inhaled her scent which made me relax.

"Where were you?" I asked her while looking at her.

"I was talking to Owen and the others. But don't worry I continued the meeting" she said proudly.

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