The Escape

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             Lola P.O.V

I woke up this morning in a good mood. When i woke up i looked at my watch and realize it was 6 in the morning. I panicked. I had to wake up every morning at 5 so i can make breakfast for the pack and they usually got up at 7. I hurried to the bathroom and took a quick shower and got dressed in a black skinny jeans, blue and pink sweater, with my pink toms in my feet and i let my naturally curly hair fall to my back. I hurried down in the kitchen and to my surprise i saw my mother cooking breakfast which really surprised me, that was my job. What if a pack member came and saw her cooking? she could get in trouble for that. She saw me and smiled happily like a little kid who sees candy. I looked by the counter and saw my brothers and sister eating already. I looked shock knowing that we were not supposed to be eating any food from the kitchen, they usually make us eat their leftovers.

"Good morning darling" she said handing me a plate of bacon, eggs, pancakes and biscuits with orange juice. I had to admit the food smelled really good but what if someone sees us eating it. We could get killed for that.

"Umm sis...why you staring at your food like that?" Connor asked me. I guess i was staring at it very long.

"Sweetie is something wrong?" my mom asked

"Umm yeah.... why are we eating the food they usually give us their leftovers" i replied

"Well honey....we came in your room earlier and saw you sleeping so peacefully so we decided to make breakfast and eat some of the food instead of waiting for leftovers we are not dogs" mom said with no emotion written on her face.

"But mom if they see you cooking they would kill know that" i said

"Just eat please i took some can food and put them in my bags which is in your bedroom...all of our bags are there" she replied

"Okay mom i will eat but the food will have to go on the table" i said

"Its okay your brothers already did that now eat before they start coming down"

She didn't have to tell me twice i started digging in and it tasted very good. We never got to eat a good meal, the pack would usually  give us stale bread and bake beans that suddenly i started losing weight and felt very weak. I was thin as a stick that suddenly my clothes couldn't fit me anymore. My brothers, mom and Sophia (my little sister) went to the basement as they did that i went into the dining room and saw the table filled with food, i smiled. I went into the basement and saw my mom, brother and sister putting their bags in the bathroom cupboard. I went to my clothes and took out my red and black duffle bag packing my clothes, toiletries and electronics. When i was done i put my bag in the cupboard.

I lay down next to my twin brothers while my mom and my little sister played with her dolls. We are rich because when my grandad passed away he gave us all his money but we never told dad cause we knew he would want to take it away form us and leave us with no money at all. My last name which is Coleman is my mother's last name, she and my dad never got  married cause he said he was not ready. As you may know i'm a werewolf. I haven't shifted in my wolf form for a long time. My wolf is white with golden eyes, one of my paws is white while the other is black mom says its something special but i don't believe it. We hung around for the whole day talking and all of that. Then suddenly we heard the door open and in walked in dad i should probably stop calling him that.

He look at us in disgust and said, "I don't know why they say you guys are my kids. Y'all are so ugly...Connor and Carter have you guys ever thought as to why you guys don't have a mate?" he asked them while lighting a cigarette my brothers growled while they glared at him. He looked at them and said ".....because you boys are useless you are so so useless" he laughed. I looked at my brothers and saw that they wanted to murder him so i did the only thing i can do to calm them down, i put my hands on their shoulders and i saw them relax.

"Now my beautiful side mate" he said glaring at my mother and laughing. She growled at him causing him to give her a death glare so she could shut up but she kept growling but this time louder with anger filling her sweet hazel eyes. He got up and in a few minutes right in front of her his eyes pitch black, and his wolf wanting to come out. "Don't you dear growl at me ever again or i wouldn't be afraid to silt your throat. She growled again letting him push her on the ground and slapping and punching her. My little sister Sophia ran up to him and started hitting him yelling 'leave my mommy alone' but he growled and pushed her roughly to the side when my brothers saw this they growled loudly at him but he didn't bother so i ran where my sister was and picked her up and saw that she was bleeding from the head i lay her down on my lap and she closed her eyes. I looked up and saw my brothers trying to get my mother but he pushed them and made them hit the wall when i looked down at Sophia on my lap i realize that her cut was gone and that shocked me. She's not a werewolf. How could she heal so fast? what happened? I shrugged it off and lay her head down on her fluffy teddy bear.

I ran over to my brothers and helped them and when i touched the cut on their forehead it healed immediately and they looked at me in amazement. Then we heard a scream we shot our heads up and saw that our dad was raping our mom. We tried everything to get him off of her but nothing worked i ran over to my little sister and saw that she was crying her eyes out and staring at mom with sad eyes i hugged her and let her cry into my sweatshirt. Soon after he was finished with mom he shifted into his dark blue wolf and ran out of the basement. We all ran up to mom and she looked at us with sad eyes while hugging us i looked at her then realize that she had a cut on her stomach i touched it and it disappeared just like that and she stared at me with shocked eyes and smiled.

She looked at me and said "You are truly special....Remember when i told you that the first day you shifted into your wolf?" i nodded saying "Yes mom". We helped her up and she went to the bathroom and cleaned up she came back where we was and then we started discussing our escape plan over again making sure we know what we're doing. It was now 6 meaning we had to get the plan ready. Sophia went to the Katie room since since she knows what we're up to and offered to help us. The plan was that i make dinner for the pack when i'm done i go down to the basement where mom and my brothers will be. My father has to go on a trip and will be back Monday he and the Beta so that will give us enough time to escape. So some of the pack warriors will come and give us the leftovers which we will not eat since mom has enough food in her bag when it is 7 we will escape and and start to spray ourselves so they will not find us.

It is now 6:30 and father is already leaving to go on this business trip with his Beta we watched as they went into the van and drove off. Soon after the pack warriors come inside and gave us our leftovers. We heard the door open again to reveal Katie and Sophia. Sophia ran towards mom and hugged her like her life depended on it, Katie then said "I will mind link you when the coast is clear" we nodded our heads and she got up and closed the door. I looked at my watch and saw that it was now 7 that's when mom got a mind link from Katie saying that the coast was clear.

We went and got dressed we all dressed in black, when we were finished my brothers opened the windows and jumped down landing on their feet, now it was my turn and i did the same. My mom let my sister jumped on her back and with that she jumped out the window landing swiftly on her feet we thanked Katie then mom took the spray and sprayed herself first to make sure it worked, we sniffed the air and realize we couldn't find her scent then we nodded telling her it worked. After spraying all of us we then shifted and took of running with Connor leading the way in his dark brown wolf, with me following in my white wolf, mom in her navy blue with Sophia on her back and with Carter next to them in his brown wolf as well. We ran and ran for the whole night and when we were far far far away from the pack territory we stopped near a lake and realized it was a perfect place to sleep. My brothers kept watch so we will not get harm. Then soon after me and mom woke up and kept watch while my brothers slept with Sophia.

The next day arrived and we were so happy we ate and took a little bath in the lake which had clean water. When we relaxed for a bit we started running again but only in human form. We ran for days and we kept spraying until we couldn't smell each other.

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