It Rains In Heaven All Day Long - Chp.17

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©Copyright - LittlesMermaid -

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Chapter 17

It was Friday and I was surprised by the stillness of everything. The day so far had gone seamlessly, as well as the day before, and I found it all a little too suspicious. But then again, I was known for being paranoid. I had barely seen Sarah, let alone received any unthreatening threats. Things actually seemed pretty good, but I wouldn’t let my guard down; not yet.

“I really think we should plan something epic for Frankie’s birthday. I know it’s like a month away but I mean it might take that long to plan it you know? I know he doesn’t really want to do much but I feel if we make sure we organise it and he doesn’t know about it, he’d be pretty happy with that. Besides it’s his 18th he’s gotta do something.” The rest of the group nodded their heads as Crimson spoke. It was lunch period at school and we were crowded around by our usual spot whilst Frank got held back in English for refusing to take his beanie off.

“Sounds good but what will we do? He sounds like he really doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it,” Ray replied.

“If he doesn’t have to organise it, it’ll be the same as if we just turned up to someone else’s party, so what’s the big deal?” Crimson said, sounding like she had pretty much already made up her mind about this party. I began to think of things we could do that wouldn’t be the same as every year, i figured being new here and all, I may come up with some fresh ideas.

Then the light bulb switched on. This would be perfect.

“I got an idea,” I spoke out loud with a gleam in my eye, “Why not make a full weekend out of it? Find a creepy cabin in the woods and rent it for the weekend and we all take a road trip there and we can set up spooky shit and party together.” I finished.

“Fuck yes. This is happening.” Ray announced, alongside everybody’s nodding heads. I smiled with pride at my idea and began to think about what else we could do.

“Nice idea, Jay. We’ll have to delegate different jobs to different people as we will never all be around each other without Frank. Jay and I will find a place; Ray, Mikey and Gerard can come up with tricks and Halloween shit, Allie and bob sort out transport and who’s driving and start getting money together from people for drinks etc. Everyone cool with that?” Crimson dictated.

“Since when were you boss?” Ray questioned

“Since always, so suck it.” She retorted, making the group and myself laugh.

As soon as we noticed Frank walking across the courtyard, the conversation cut short. I was actually pretty excited for Frank’s birthday now and knew that I was going to begin searching for cabins as soon as I got home.

“Hey guys, what’s going on?” Frank asked as he approached us.

“Oh nothin’ just the usual,” Crimson lied smiling, putting her arm around Franks shoulders.

As my mind carried on thinking about the event we were going to plan for Frank’s birthday, I suddenly remembered something; Gerard would be leaving for art school in New York. Would he even be able to come? Surely he’d be able to come home for the weekend... I made a mental note to ask him when I got home.

My last class of the day was chemistry and then I would finally have my first weekend of term. My mind was completely not focused on the drone about ionic and covalent bonds coming from the teacher’s mouth. I found myself jotting down ideas for franks birthday weekend, for some reason I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Something about the group driving somewhere together and spending Halloween in a creepy cabin sounded so perfect and exactly what I needed. I knew that Frank would go for it too, way more than another Halloween party. I was trying to figure out how many rooms we would need in the cabin; Crimson would most likely pair with Gerard if he hasn’t gotten bored of her by then, I could share with Allie...or would she urge to stay with Mikey now that she had expressed an interest in him? Bob and Ray could room... and then Frank could go with...

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