It Rains In Heaven All Day Long - chp.20

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Hi guys 

here's chapter 20. Enjoy, please leave feedback. Thanks.

All Rights Reserved ©Copyright LittlesMermaid -


I woke up feeling refreshed, awake and almost excited. Of course, I wasn’t exactly excited about sitting in cold class rooms listening to dull teachers drone on all day, but I was excited to see Frank. It felt like so much had happened over the weekend, it felt like it had been weeks since I was last at school, getting lifts and sharing classes with Frank. How did my feelings that seemed so innocent and small escalate so fast over the space of a weekend?

I looked at the clock and smiled, knowing that Frank would be arriving within the next five minutes. I looked in the mirror and checked my appearance one last time; high waisted skinny jeans – because Frank seemed fond of them – black vest and a baseball jacket. My long multi-tonal hair flowed in thick waves past my shoulders from underneath a burgundy beanie hat that sat on the back of my head.

I practically danced out of my bedroom after grabbing my bag from the side. Floating down the hallway in an upbeat mood at 8am definitely wasn’t how Mikey was used to seeing me, so the confused expression he was wearing was warranted.

“What the hell are you so happy about?” He asked, putting his back pack on.

“I don’t know, I had a good sleep I guess,” I told him, not exactly the whole truth but enough of it.

In perfect timing, I heard the sound of a car pulling up outside our house just as I put my coffee cup down on the counter. I looked at Mikey who was busy texting on his cell phone, looking zoned out and tired.

“Are you ready Mikes? I think Frank’s here.” I told him, trying to get his attention by waving my hand in his face.

“What?” He asked with a gormless expression, “Oh, yeah,” He answered, back in the room.

I saw the smile on his face as soon as I walked out of the door. His black hair was poking out underneath a navy beanie, similar to the one I was wearing. He was wearing a baggy VANS t-shirt paired with tight skinny jeans, holding one arm on the wheel and a movie star smile. I tried to control my smile as I walked up to the car; I couldn’t give too much away.

“Hey man,” Mikey greeted as he climbed into the back seat as per usual. Frank nodded at him in response and watched as I got in the passenger seat.

“Good morning,” He greeted, smiling.

“Hey,” I replied, smiling back.

There was a minute silence, as if Frank and I were in a trance, completely forgetting that a; we were supposed to be on our way to school and b; that Mikey was sitting in the backseat.

“Are we gonna go?” Mikey questioned, popping his head forward between the front seats.

“Oh, shit yeah sorry.” Frank apologised, turning his attention to the road as he pulled away from the house. I smiled smugly to myself; he definitely did not see me how he saw Jeph and it was becoming clearer and clearer.

Frank POV

I tried so fucking hard to keep it together as she walked out of her front door. I hadn’t stopped thinking about her since I dropped her off the previous day. I felt like a kid at Christmas sitting outside her house, waiting for her to walk out the door, like I was un-wrapping the most amazing gift of all time.

There was something different about her; she had an air of confidence about her that I hadn’t seen very much since meeting her. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as we walked through the schools court yard, laughing as the skater kids checked her out as she walked by. I had to admit, the beanie and the baseball jacket suited her and she looked amazing, wearing those tight jeans I was so fond of.

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