It Rains In Heaven All Day Long - Chp.18

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Chapter 18

©Copyright - LittlesMermaid -

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I took a deep breath inwards as my mind began to wake up. I kept my eyes closed whilst I turned onto my back and stretched my arms upwards. It was when I rolled back into my previous position and felt something underneath myself that my eyes snapped open. Our legs were intertwined and I was lying against his side, my arm flung over his stomach and my head on his chest. His arm was around me, keeping me close. My eyes were wide and I tried to make sense of the situation. Confused, I slowly rolled over, breaking the magnetism that kept us so tightly together and faced away from him. I tried my hardest to think back to the night before, trying to gain something, anything that would explain why Frank was next to me on my bed.

I remembered falling asleep on the couch. I remembered seeing Allie and Mikey asleep and Gerard and Crimson making out. I remembered knowing that I was next to Frank. I furrowed my brow as faint images of movement and the feeling of floating appeared in my mind. That was all I could get; surely he wouldn’t have just invited himself into my room?

I felt disgusting; sleeping with jeans on and a full face of makeup wasn’t the freshest way to wake up. I took one more look at the sleeping boy on my bed; he was shirtless and his tight jeans were riding a little lower than usual. It took a lot not to lie back on my bed in the same position as I woke up and fall back asleep against him. However, a long, hot and steamy affair with the shower seemed like more of an appropriate idea.

I slowly got off of my bed and tip-toed over to my wardrobe, not wanting to wake Frank up. I picked up an oversized grey t-shirt, high waisted shorts and a towel and made my way into my bathroom.

After showering and freshening up, I took my time in the bathroom getting dressed in the hopes that Frank would either still be asleep or had left. I wasn’t exactly looking forward to the awkward conversation that was to follow.

I took a breath and put my hand on the door knob, ready to turn it. I put my ear against the wooden door and began to turn the handle as I realised there were no sounds of movement from the other side.

However, when the door swung open, my eyes landed directly onto Franks. He was sat on the end of the bed in the middle of pulling his black flag t-shirt over his head and down his body. Without realising, I was stood against the door frame watching his movements and It wasn’t until I noticed Frank staring back at me that I realised what I was doing.

“Morning,” He spoke, his hair ruffled and eyes a little puffy.

“Hi,” I replied, smiling a little, not really knowing what to say.

“Did you sleep okay?” He asked me, scratching his head. He was probably just as lost for words as I was.

“Like a baby,” I replied honestly. “Waking up was kind of interesting though,” I told him, deciding to just get it out in the open. I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a large burgundy beanie to cover my drying hair.

“Oh, you don’t remember?” Frank asked with a worried look in his eyes.

I simply shook my head as I looked up to look at him and proceeded to fix the beanie onto my head.

“Oh shit, this must seem pretty weird then.” Frank spoke, scratching his head once again. “you fell asleep next to me on the couch and you kept slipping and seemed really uncomfortable and figured you’d be better off in your own bed, so I carried you up-“

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