It Rains In Heaven All Day Long - Chp.8

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The time had come and I was doing my best just to get on with it and to not completely break down. It was the day of Matt’s party, aka the day before my family and I make our departure for NJ. I hadn’t really let myself think about this day at all, and now that it had arrived, I was starting to think more and more that maybe a party the night before leaving wasn’t such a good idea.

“Ooo this dress definitely screams Goodbye California!” Emi said, holding up a revealing red dress. I glared at her for her insensitivity making her instantly lower the dress.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that… but you should look slammin’ the night before you leave.” She told me. I was sitting on her bed, scratching at my fingers with nerves whilst she routed through her large closet. All of my belongings were boxed up in a removal truck apart from the clothes on my back and a change of stuff for the morning.  I really didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, and wasn’t planning on getting all dolled up, but Emi obviously had other ideas. I stood up and grabbed a couple of items from her closet that I decided would work and went to change in the bathroom. I had a million knots in my stomach as I pulled up the American flag high-waisted denim shorts. I began dialling Zacky’s number as I slipped on the over sized white cropped Tshirt and put the phone to my ear as I tousled my hair in the mirror.

“Hey.” His voice rang through the speaker. I felt some of the nerves and worry melt away a little at the sound of his voice.

“Hi Baby, when will you be here?” I asked him, not wanting to spend more time apart than we have to.

“I’ll be over in 5 minutes baby, and I’m not gunna leave your side ‘til you’re in the car tomorrow.”  I smiled at his words.

“Okay, ill see you in 5 then.” I said, still playing with my hair in the mirror. “I love you.” I finished before hanging up, hearing an “I love you too” before shutting the phone off.  My hair was scrunched, wavy and kind of wild. I didn’t have too much make up on, just my usual golden complexion with coral lips and strong eyebrows. I looked like me, and that’s exactly what I wanted. This is how people would remember me, so I didn’t want to look false in something I wouldn’t ordinarily wear.

I walked out of the bathroom to meet Emi’s eyes.

“You look good.” She smiled.

“Really? Even though I’m not wearing a Goodbye California! dress?” I retaliated, quoting her previous comment.

“Yes, you know what you look like you’re going to a casual summer garden party in the evening, with friends, beer and music, which is exactly what we’re doing so good job.” She told me as she carried on brushing her hair. I smiled and put my long strapped bag over my shoulder. We heard the doorbell ring and I got a sudden shot of excitement to see Zack. Zack had gone to take my stuff for the night to his house as we knew I would be staying at his tonight. We went downstairs and opened the door to see Brian and Zack in their usual long baggy shorts and tight Tshirts/vests. My face lit up when I saw Zack standing in the doorway, and I could have cried there and then as my emotions began to overwhelm me. I didn’t say a word, I just walked out into his arms and stayed there for a moment. He looked at me with a pained expression which matched my own and took hold of my hand.

We arrived at Matt’s house and the party was already in full swing. There were a shit load of people everywhere, and I couldn’t see anyone I knew until Jimmy came into view.  and Brian grabbed a beer immediately and caught eyes with a group of people they knew and wondered over to them. Jimmy caught our attention and waved us over.

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