It Rains In Heaven All Day Long - Chp.7

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Sorry i haven't updated in so long!!

I have been super busy and just haven't had the time to update!

But i am writing again and will hopefully be releasing regular updates!

This one is short, but it's for a reason,

Hope you enjoy, thanks for reading xo


A few days had passed and i now only had a week left in Huntington Beach. Zacky and I did our best to pretend like it wasn’t happening, but slowly and surely reality managed to creep it’s way in. It was times like when we had spent the evening eating out, going to the beach or movies and coming home to find my dad taping up boxes of our families possessions that we realised our time together was coming to an end.

I was sat on the couch, waiting for Zack to finish ‘jamming’ with Brian when an unidentified flying object hit me straight on the nose.

“What’s up sister?” Gerard’s voice rang as he walked into the living room. I picked up the object to find it was a pencil, thrown by the hands of none other than my oldest brother, and threw it back at him.

“Why are you so chipper?” I asked noticing the contrast between mine and Gerard’s mood.

“I think you’re mistaking my content and normal mood as chipper compared to the doom and gloom you got going on.” He retorted. I gave him a snarky smile and rolled my eyes.

“How can you even be content? Aren’t you pissed that we’re being dragged away from Huntington beach?” I asked.

“Dragged? Jayla, I’m 21, i am not being dragged away from anything. If i wanted to i could stay here, well providing i got a job and got a place to stay. But my point is, I’m happy to be leaving.” He told me, causing my brows to furrow.

“You’re happy to be moving to New Jersey? As opposed to glorious Orange County? Are you kidding me?” I spoke in disbelief.

“Let’s just say i have a feeling the East coast will suit me better. If you haven’t noticed, i look like a vampire compared to these kids. Besides, I, Gerard Way, am actually doing something with my life now that we’re moving.” Gerard said.

“I guess you got a point, and what do you mean?” I asked, intrigued.

“Well i just got myself an interview to be enrolled at a very prestigious Art school in New York.” He told me smiling.

“No shit, really?” I said as my eyebrows rose in disbelief.

“Yeah I’m pretty psyched about it too.” He said, the smile on his face growing bigger and bigger.

“Well that’s cool, I’m happy for you.” I told him, probably not all that convincingly considering my misery.

“Yeah you look it” Gerard replied sarcastically.

“Sorry, I just can’t find the bright side in moving. I am happy for you Gee, it’s just i’m going to miss my life here so much and New Jersey is SO far away and so different. I’m going to hate every second of it, i know it.”

“You might not Kiddo.” Gerard said, standing up and walking out of the living room.

I sighed to myself and threw myself down on the couch. 

For the next hour I sat alone and thought about what was going to happen when i leave. I mean, how would we even begin to make our relationship work when we’re that far away from each other? I mean i know we have modern technology; instant messaging and webcams etc, but i mean, would that really suffice? Besides Zacky really wasn’t the most technology savvy guy in the world and i couldn’t imagine him sat behind a computer every day. Maybe we could keep it old school and write letters?

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