It Rains In Heaven All Day Long - Chp.9

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Copyright© LittlesMermaid -

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I felt a jabbing in my side and my eyes shot open. I took a minute to take in my surroundings and realised the car had stopped moving and we were parked outside a fairly large sized white house. It had been a long ass journey, including a few motel stops, but we were finally here apparently. Gerard, who had been the one to jab me in the ribs, unbuckled his seat belt and began climbing out of the car. I didn’t move for a few seconds, allowing my brain to process the fact that this was in fact actually happening and we were far, far away from Orange County now.

“ROOM DIBS!” Mikey yelled as he and Gerard shot off towards the house. I slowly climbed out of the car and let the New Jersey weather hit my skin. It was fairly warm…but it wasn’t Orange County warm. I watched my Mom and Dad unload some boxes before turning to really look at the house. If I wasn’t so set on hating this place so much, I probably would have loved this house.

I walked into the new house, looking in all of the empty rooms. It really was a nice house and it was pretty damn hard for me to admit that as I walked around the unfamiliar territory.

“I CALL DIBBS ON THIS ROOM!” I heard Gerard shout.

“WHAT! NO- WAIT THIS ONES BETTER I’M GOOD WITH THIS ONE!” Mikey retorted. I rolled my eyes realising I now probably had no choice in bedrooms left, but to be honest, I didn’t really care too much. I wasn’t planning on getting cosy and making this place homey for me as my heart will always be back in Huntington Beach and I plan on going back there as soon as I could.

I walked up the long stair case and walked down the hall to begin my bedroom search. I opened one door and laughed at the sight that unveiled before me.

“You comfy there Gee?” I asked, looking at my oldest brother lying on the bedroom floor.

“Shut up, go away.” He demanded, causing me to laugh more. I had to love both of my brothers immaturity sometimes. I closed the door and carried on walking down the magnolia hallway, only to go past another closed bedroom; figuring that one was already claimed to Mikey, I skipped past the room and proceeded to the two remaining open doors. I poked my head around the first door frame and my mouth dropped open as my eyes laid open the beautiful room. It was very big with a slanted ceiling and had an en suite bathroom and walk in wardrobe, before deciding anything I walked back into the hallway to the last room left and opened the door. It was a lot smaller than the other room and wasn’t anything special, other than the fact it also had an en suite bathroom, but it was definitely the smallest room in the house. I figured my parents were going to be having the big ass master bedroom so I guess I had to settle for the small room. It didn’t bother me though, like I said, I wasn’t planning on getting too comfortable here.

I stood by the bedroom window and watched as my mom and dad unloaded the truck, and I cringed at the thought of helping. I watched as they took a break and turned towards the house, my dad putting his arm around my mother’s shoulders and squeezing her gently. They looked happy; I knew I shouldn’t, but I kind of resented that.

I looked around the empty room once again and decided to go for a walk. Perhaps it was a stupid idea considering I knew nothing about this place and could very well end up getting lost, but I had to get out of here for a little while.

I walked down the unfamiliar street and noticed how different everything was. Instead of Palm Trees, there were Pine Trees and Evergreens. Instead of the smells of the sweet pacific ocean air and freshly grilled shrimp, the only smells around here were those of industrial means. The cars that drove past were different, the clothes people were wearing were different, for someone who had never left Orange County, this seemed like a completely different world. I closed my eyes as I walked, imagining myself walking towards the beach to meet up with the guy I loved…until I realised that walking with your eyes shut is fucking idiotic.

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