It Rains In Heaven All Day Long - Chp.12

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Copyright© - LittlesMermaid - | All Rights Reserved |

Chapter 12

I had decided to write a final letter to Zacky. It had been a few weeks since I was in Huntington and the fact that he hasn’t reached out to me, or even just replied to one of my calls, one of my texts or one of my letters, is unacceptable. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure how truthful Emi had been about what Zack had been up to, but the fact in the matter is that he had obviously given up on waiting for me because he would have managed to get in contact with me if he truly wanted to. Lord knows I tried.

So I wrote it all down; how I had tried for weeks to get in contact, how I had been miserable the whole time being in New Jersey without him, right down to what Emi had told me. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy giving the most important person in my life up, but I had no choice. He didn’t want me anymore, so I had to begin living my life without him.

As I placed the stamp on the envelope, I felt a weight lift of my shoulders but as I posted the letter through the mailbox, fear washed over me and I began to feel sick. What now? I felt like I had lost my Identity. All I had ever known was the beach, the sweet Californian air, and Zacky as my best friend and love of my life. Who was I now? Now that I didn’t have Zack waiting for me back home, was I ever going to go back there?

I walked through my front door and saw no signs of siblings or friends. Wondering where everyone had gone, I walked to the kitchen to grab a soda, where I saw my mom cleaning.

“Where’d everybody go?” I asked

“A ‘Bob’ was mentioned.” She said as she carried on wiping the surface down. I shrugged, grabbed a soda and took myself upstairs. I closed my bedroom door and sluggishly walked over to my bed. I felt so drained and emotionally exhausted I couldn’t help but let my eyes flutter, slowly trying to block out the present moment. I could feel my body sink in to my mattress and my brain begin to switch off, Zacky being the last thing I saw before it all went black.


“She’s actually pretty light” I heard a male voice say.

“For you maybe!” Followed a struggling female voice and as my eyes slowly began to open,

It took me a few moments to realise that I had not woken up in my bed, and felt a strange flying sensation. I blinked a few times and felt arms underneath my arms as well as my legs. What the hell was going on?!

“WHAT THE HELL?!” I screeched as I shot up, causing Crimson to lose her grip and drop my legs to the floor. “What are you doing?!” I asked in a raised voice, staring at Frank and Crimson who were on the floor next to me, laughing hysterically.

“We-thought-we’d-come and get-you and bring-you-to- Bobs” Crimson tried to explain between laughs and erratic breaths.

“And instead of waking me you thought to carry me?” I asked, eyes wide.

“You looked peaceful...” Frank said with an innocent tone to his voice.

“You were going to seriously carry me the whole way there?” I asked, watching as Frank and Crimson looked at each other, they obviously hadn’t thought that far ahead. I shook my head and laughed and began collecting myself and stood up.

“Well can I at least freshen up first? I asked as if they had authority over me.

I walked into my room and into my bedroom, shortly followed by Frank and Crimson who went on to sit on my bed. I grabbed my hair brush and ran it through my long hair, which I couldn’t help but notice was slowly but surely losing its beachy texture. I sighed as the brush easily passed through my loose waves and threw my hair to the side.

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