It Rains In Heaven All Day Long - Chp.19

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Chapter 19

This night ended up being definitely one of the liveliest nights I had spent in New Jersey so far.

Loud music was playing out of Bobs large stereo speakers and Gerard was passing out cans of beer like they were bottles of water in a drought. Crimson had spent most of the evening entertaining herself by hyperactively tapping along to music and attempting to put Ray’s hair into corn rows whereas Gerard had made a new friend; Brody.

I was surprised that I had never met Brody or Jeph before, considering how close they seemed to the group. I soon learnt that they were from Jersey City and in a small band, touring small towns in a small van, and were not often around, hence why I hadn’t met them before. Brody had taken a keen liking to Gerard and from first impressions seemed pretty insane.

He was like a dark haired Kurt Cobain. He was skinny with random outline tattoos and his dark ratty hair fell down past his shoulders. He dressed like a homeless dude with a beard to match and you couldn’t tell if he was incredibly smart or clinically insane. He had taken a liking to my older brother and Gerard took a liking to him. The two of them were a mess with beer dribbling down their chins as they raced to sink the most cans which at first, was a disturbing sight but the burps and innocent giggles that followed made the scene kind of harmless.

The other guy Jeph seemed to be a lot more chilled; probably older judging by his masculine jaw, muscle definition and the sheer amount of inked skin. I watched as he sat next to Frank on a stool talking about something using his hands as illustrations, just like Frank did. I smiled to myself as I watched Frank listen intently to Jeph; his eyebrows raised and his face changing expressions. Frank caught me looking before I had the chance to look away and used his finger to summon me.

I took a breath before standing up, laughing as I walked over Mikey and Allie who were lying on their backs on the basement floor. I walked over to where Frank sat in the beat up leather chair and gasped as he pulled me to sit down on the chair’s arm.

“So I feel like you guys haven’t properly met each other than the quick introductions earlier so I am going to do it properly,” Frank slurred, his eyes slant and tired. I hadn’t really seen Frank drunk before so this was definitely an interesting sight.  “Jayla this is my man Jepha, Jeph this is my girl Jayla,” Frank finished.

My stomach leapt; his Girl?

“Your girl?” Jeph raised the question that was beautifully swimming around my head. Franks mouth opened and his face looked panicked as he turned to look at me.

“No I mean like,” He began. My stomach sank with disappointment as Frank began to deny it. “I mean like my girl, like you’re my guy.” I laughed to myself and subtly shook my head, at least I knew where I stood.  

“Too bad man...Nice to meet you Jayla,” Jeph smirked, extending his arm for a handshake.

“Nice to meet you too,” I smiled, taking his hand and shaking it, though feeling pretty awkward after his remark to Frank. Jeph lifted his bottle of booze and emptied the last few drops into his mouth.

“Want a drink Jay, can I call you Jay?” He confidently asked as he stood up.

“Yeah and no I’m good thanks,” I replied, lifting my half full can up.  Jeph nodded and walked over to Bob and Ray who sat by the collection of alcohol, throwing Bob a high five and a quirky finger click to Ray. I laughed at his actions and turned my attention back to Frank, who seemed to be wearing a slight frown.

“Are you okay Frank?” I asked touching his arm. Despite what Frank had just said, I still felt electricity as my fingers touched him and a burning inside of me as he looked up into my eyes.

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