You Guys break up

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Malcolm :
- Why : You guys grow apart . It's breaking your heart . You don't know what to do about it . You decide to break up . It's mutual.
-effects : Malcolm gets really quiet, tired , and doesn't care about drumming . You get distant from everyone , breaks your heart because you loved him so much .


Ayla :
-why : hate , Fans not liking you two together or not excepting your relationship . You both are heartbroken .
Effects : Ayla goes quiet on all social media , you do too . Ayla is depressed . You get really lonely, you even stop eating for awhile .


Jack :
Why : you guys got in a serious fight, and he said something that offended you . You were so mad that you flat out told him you're done .
Effects: you get really upset, you're still mad , and push everyone away. Jack Stops making jokes so much , he's not really himself because he blames it all on himself.


Finn :
Why: you thought he was cheating on you , and you felt like you couldn't trust him . Ended up in an argument . You told him that he could go to her and you left .
Effects: finn takes a break from everything, he feels like a piece of shit . You're mad , salty asf , ignoring Finn .

A/n: the Malcolm one actually happened to me this year so ouchhhhiee

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