A/n:Mental health day

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Today is world mental health day , and I want to take a moment for the beautiful people who deal with mental illness everyday. You are not alone , I know it's cliche but it's true.

I've dealt with anxiety my whole life , but because I'm young I've always had people telling me " you just worry to much" or " you can't have anxiety and depression you're to young" but mental illness doesn't have an age limit. Some days are better than others but it's always there... Yes I can be happy and have good days but that doesn't mean I'm better, There's days when everything is great and then there's days when I'm second guessing myself and my head is telling me all these horrible things... but no matter what you have to remember that it's okay to have those days and that your mind isn't right.

So if you're going through something right now I want you to know that it's okay to be feeling this way. You shouldn't be ashamed of it or scared of it. Embrace yourself imperfections and all.

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