Needy pt.2 ➾ M.C

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Read part one if you haven't.


* Malcolm's pov *

I made my way down to the basement where my band mates were setting up. Taking a deep breathe I open the door to the studio and see smiles from my bandmates except one blonde boy who is staring at the ground.

  " hey pinky ." Ayla smiles enthusiastically like normal, Ayla is one of the kindest people I know and always has a smile on her face.

  " hey guys." I mumble as I walk over to my drums and sit down.

  " what took you so long?" Finn inquires and raises an eyebrow .

  I look up at Finn cautiously and then over to Jack who just averts eye contact.

" I um was ummm." I try to think of an excuse but stumble over my words.

  " I need to talk to Malcolm." Jack speaks up and grabs my arm and pulls me away.

Jack pulls me into the hall and closes the door behind us and he lets out a sigh.

" why didn't you tell her." I ask him genuinely wanting to know.

  " because you have to be the one to do it." He replies fastly with a sigh.

  " she doesn't need to know." I mumble and turn to the door to open it.

  " so you're telling me you're not going to tell Ayla ?" Jack whisper yells as he blocks the door so I can't leave.

  " Jack please move ." I sigh and try to push him but he doesn't move.

  " when are you going to tell Ayla that you almost Fucked her little sister ?!" He raises his voice but not loud enough to where the other can hear.

   I take a step back and cross my arms . I look him up and down and chuckle causing him to let out a " what ?" .

  " in that case Jack , when are you going to tell Finn that you're in love with him?" I ask the blonde boy leaving him dumbfounded for a minute or two.

  " exactly." I scoff as I push him aside and go for the door knob.

  " how do you know?" He asks quietly still in shock and I take my hand of the door knob.

  " because it's the same way I look at y/n ." I respond quietly and quickly before I reach for and turn the door knob to leave.

  " don't tell him please." He sighs and I nod lightly.

  " I won't if you don't tell Ayla." I respond and I don't need to turn around to look at him to know that he's nodding an okay.

  As we both head back into the studio and get looks from Ayla and Finn.

  As I sit down I hear Ayla what it was about and jack just says something about Homework. Ayla believes his lie.

  " okay so let's start huh?" Finn awkwardly laughs as he plugs in his guitar and I sigh in relief.


We were finishing up City Boy when y/n walked past the door and to another room in the basement. I saw her pass by the door and it caught me off guard for a minute and Jack could tell immediately since he we normally have to be on the same page in a song.
( I'm not explaining the relationship between the drums and Bass rn sorryyy )

  Y/n walks to the door and leans her head on the door frame watching us play as she brushes her teeth.

  We're on the last part of City Boy where everything gets upbeat when I look up and see her and smile goofily at her causing her to giggle and playfully bang her head along to the beat of the drum.

  She starts to jump around dancing along to the beat of the song and bangs her head. Her h/c locks move around and she pretends her tooth brush is a mic as she mouths the ' ba da baaaa ba da baaaa' of the end.

   I let out a small giggle as I watch her causing Jack to look over at the doorway and roll his eyes. Once the song stops he immediately walks over to the door and slams it in Y/n's face.

   " woah what was that about ?" Ayla asks confused and Finn let's out a ' seriously?'.

  " I can't do this anymore." Jack sighs and looks over to me and I nod my head no.

  " why did you close the door on my little sister?" Ayla scoffs as she goes and opens the door but y/n isn't behind it anymore.

  " seriously dude , it's fine if y/n watches." Finn  adds calmly as he puts down his water that he just took a sip of.

  Jack scoffs and rolls his eyes. Causing Ayla to ask him what's wrong. I just watch it all unfold as I take a sip of my water.

  " what's wrong is that Malcolm is dating your little sister." Jack yells slightly as he points at me causing me to choke on my water.

  " w-what ?" Ayla asks shocked.

  " wanna know why he was late?" Jack yells again causing Y/n who was in the bathroom next door to walk to the door frame. Finn and Ayla look at her and me shocked.

  " jack don't." I plead causing Ayla's head to shoot over at me.

  " what is it ?" She asks looking hurt.

  " Those two were about to do god knows what as I walked past Y/n's room earlier." Jack scoffs , Ayla's face goes from hurt to angry in an instant.

Ayla looks over at y/n in the doorway with rage and goes over to her sister.

" stay away from my friends from now on , and stay away from this band." She mumbles in anger as her hands are bawled in fists.

" Ay please just liste-." Y/n pleads as Ayla looks over at me and shakes her head in disappointment.

  " I can't believe you Malcolm." She says genuinely hurt and angry and I just look away not being able to look her in the eyes.

  " get out." She spits as she looks at me.

  " Ay calm down please." Finn pleads calmly as he puts a hand on her shoulder but she smacks it away.

  " All if you out now." She says again and Finn just backs away from her slowly.

" I can't believe this." She scoffs Under her breathe as she pushes past y/n and runs upstairs.

  Now it's my turn to get pissed , I stand up and push Jack with anger.

" what the hell did you do?" I yell in his face as Finn and Y/n hold me of off him.

  " you needed to tell her." He mumbles quietly and I roll my eyes.

  " Finn , I think Jack has something to tell you." I scoff as I shake myself out of Finn and Y/n's grip. Finn looks at me obviously curious and y/n grabs my wrist and tries to get me to go. Even she knows how Jack feels and she doesn't want Finn to find out this way.

  " Pinky lets just go-" she pleads with me sweetly but I cut her off as I pull myself from her grip.

" no , I should've never been with you in the first place." I yell at her causing tears to fill her eyes.

  " pinky please don't do this." She sniffles as she shakes her head no as some tears spill out.

" goodbye y/n." I mumble as I push past her and to the door. I make my way upstairs and leave not wanting to talk to anyone.


A/n : kinda trash ending ...

If y'all want a part three for the aftermath then I'll do it.

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