One Pretty Song ☈ A .T-M

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  Play song if you want won't come in till later if I do a chapter 2 .

Warnings: Fluff and angst


" Don't break me down
      I've been traveling too long
         I've been trying to hard
          With one pretty song"

  Ayla Tesler- Mabe... A goddess , a guitarist, and your girlfriend of a year.

  You've been supporting her career for ever now. You've been there since before Calpurnia is what it is now. The catch is no one knows about you or Ayla's sexuality.

  Everyone just thinks your Ayla's best friend, which you are but you're also her " partner" and you guys have been in this together for quite some time.
  You and Ayla both love to sing. You sing to her all the time but you'll never perform because you're too scared.

  Ayla is currently on tour and you're with her. You've been staying on the tour bus with her and you guys go get coffee and stuff to get away from the boys.

  But today something bad happened that you guys didn't realize till you got back to the bus.

Paparazzi got a picture of you two kissing.


" I'm glad we got to go do something this morning." Ayla says softly to you as you two walk back to the bus.

   " me too , you've been so busy lately." You respond with a slight sadness in your voice. Ayla picks up on it immediately and stops and  holds your hand.

   " I know y/n , it's just the band is picking up so much steam and my dreams are finally coming true." She tries to explain causing you to nod and smile.

   " I get it , I've been watching this journey and I'm so unbelievably proud of you." You gush as you push a piece of Ayla's hair behind her ear.

  " I love you y/n , and you're my dream too and I wouldn't be where I am without you." Ayla responds as she leans forwards slightly.

   " I love you more." You mumble

   " eh." She chuckles.

Just as your lips are about to meet you guys are interrupted by Malcolm , Finn , and Jack swinging open the door.

   " you two need to get in here NOW." Finn panics.

  You lean your head on Ayla's shoulder in embarrassment as Ayla let's out a groan.

  " god , can you guys ever let us have a moment?" Ayla yells clearly annoyed.

  " oh you two have had enough moments." Jack responds causing you and Ayla to look at each other confused.

   " what do you mean?" You ask confused.

   " y-you two just better get in here." Malcolm sighs before walking off into the bus again.

   Before heading in to the bus after the boys you look at Ayla and ask her what they're talking about but she just shrugs and heads in.


As you walk in after Ayla you see the bandmates of calpurnia gathered around a laptop. Your heart sinks as you get closer to the group and hear them talking.
  " n-no no there's no way." You overhear Ayla panic.

" what is it?" You ask as you step by her but immediately get it when you see the article on the computer.

  " Calpurnia guitarist caught kissing girl in public." Is all that a stupid teen drama website article says.

  You unlike Ayla are out ( if you are idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ ). So for you it's not that heartbreaking but Ayla always tells you she wants it to be her thing and to do it when she's ready.

  " how did this happen?" You mumble.

  " I can't believe this." Ayla mumble in shock.

   " Ayla I'm so sorry." You try to comfort her but she shrugs your hand of of her shoulder.

   " n-not right now y/n." She sniffles trying to hold back tears.

    " do you blame me?" You choke out while tears fill your eyes.

    " I should've never let you come on this tour , we should have never been at this park and-" She starts to get louder but you cut her off.

  " No Ayla!" You scream letting your tears fall.

   " it's not my fault that you're to scared of what others will think or say to be yourself." You spit but still crying your eyes out.

   " that's not on me Ayla , that's on you." You sniffle before going into the bunk room and grabbing your bags.

   " where are you going ?" Malcolm questions in the doorway or the bunk room as you pack your bags. Malcolm and you are really close friends and have been for awhile, he's the reason you met Ayla.

  " she wants space so guess what I'll give it too her." You mumble as you throw clothes in your bag.

  " y/n just breathe." Malcolm says softly.

  " no Malcolm! Do you have any idea what I feels like to be someone's dirty little secret for a YEAR ?" You scream at the curly headed boy knowing the others in the bus can hear you.
  Malcolm just stands there silent since he doesn't know how it feels.

  " exactly." You scoff as you push past him and to the door to leave.

  You look back at Ayla and her bandmates one last time before leaving the bus. You walk down the streets for a few seconds and then finally catch a Ride.



So ik this song doesn't make much sense now butttt it will come in later in a part two if you guys want a part two

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