Meaning ➾ M.C

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  Malcolm Craig .... that name means more to you than anything in the world. Malcolm is you best friend and you've fallen for him and his amazing personality. But you're pretty sure that he doesn't return your feelings.


It was a normal Monday , you walked into The crowded hall of hell * cough* I mean school.

" hey y/n!" You hear faintly as you walk with earphones in listening to Mac Demarco , you turn slightly as you feel a new presence next to you.

" hey pinky." You say quietly while you take an earphone out so you can hear him.

" hey y/n/n ..... I was wondering if uh-" Malcolm starts but stops and sighs halfway causing you to look up at him and see him looking quite upset with himself.

" would you-" He begins again but is cut if by the bell that signals first period.

" I have to go Pinky... I'll see you around." You say softly while you look at the ground and then start walking to class leaving Malcolm alone in the hallway with kids rushing past him.


Lunch rolls around and you find one of your best friends Ayla, you guys walk in to the cafeteria together talking about random things.

" have you told Malcolm yet?" Ayla asks intently for your answer but all you return is a shrug.

"How do you not know?" She practically yells from being confused .

" I just don't want to embarrass myself when he says ' I'm sorry y/n/n but I don't like you like that ." You sigh with "impression" of Malcolm's voice. Ayla goes to say something as you guys walk to your table but is cut off by a very familiar voice.

" like who like that ?" The voice questions causing you to turn around to see Malcolm and his cute face that has a goofy smile on it.

" u-uh uhhhhh I-mmm um i ." You sputter as you try to find a reply.

" cat got your tongue y/n?" Jack playfully smirks as he walks next to Malcolm, for even Jack knows you like his curly headed friend.

" s-shove it jack ." You roll your eyes and sit down causing Jack to snicker. ( a/n: B-bill who ?)

" y/n I still need to talk to you later." Malcolm says calmly causing everyone at the table to look at him wanting to know.
" in private ..." he adds looking around at his nosy friends while taking a bite of his apple.

" just tell me now." You shrug while beginning to eat your lunch.

" no please alone" he pleads but you sigh.

" I don't get what you have to say that you can't say in front of the four of us." You sigh and point lousily to your friends.

" please y/n." He begs again.

" no Mal-." You start but are cut off.
" I'm in love with you y/n!" Malcolm blurts out and even he is so shocked that he puts his hand on his mouth.

" w-what?" You choke out causing Malcolm to stand up and walk over to your side of the table.

" I'm in love with you y/n l/n . I'm in love with your laugh , your smile , your beautiful h/c hair , and your killer personality." He gushes and you're very quiet from shock which immediately changes him demeanor.

" it's okay if you d-." You cut him off when you stand up and place your lips on his soft cloud like lips. When you pull away you lightly place your hand on his cheek as he still is holding you with his arms around your back.

" you don't know how long I've waited to hear that." You smile softly at him earning a few awes from the people around you.

" I love you y/n." Malcolm smiles brightly.

" I love you too." You gush.

" really, right in front of my salad." Finn jokingly scoffs causing Ayla and Jack to yell 'Finn!' In unison and you and Malcolm to laugh.


So Malcolm Craig... that name has the same meaning to you , but now you know that y/n l/n has an equally as good of meaning to him.

Word count : 697

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