Needy pt.3 ➾ M.C

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Read the last three parts sis .

Warnings : just read Bc there's nothing I have to warn about , maybe some sadness .


* your pov*

It's been five days since I've talked to Malcolm or Ayla. Ayla lives in the same house as me and she won't even talk to me.

I know it's hurting the band too since they haven't practiced or met up for those five days too.

Every time I see Ayla at dinner or around the house she just walks away or doesn't even acknowledge my presence. So tonight I've skipped dinner and just went to my room.

With my record player on and the Beatles playing I look through my photos and memories of me and Ayla.

I miss talking to Malcolm and I'm heartbroken over him too but not having the person that's been by my side since day one is breaking my heart more.

I start to look through some old pictures of my childhood and of course they all have me and Ayla in them. We were practically attached by the hip then.

Since we're so close in age we've always done everything together. She's always been my best friend and other half. That's why I wish I could just talk to her.

I pick up a picture where Ayla is six and I'm five and look at it as I let out a sigh. We're both wearing shirts with The Beatles on them as Ayla has me in a big side hug with smiles plastered on our young faces.

Ay always loved music. We use to got to small concerts and see people play or cover songs. We would go home and put on performances for our parents, and Ayla always had her microphone while I just jumped around and clapped.

Thinking of those days brings tears to my eyes as it's even had an impact on me, because now I'm sitting on my carpet going through a box of memories as I listen to " Don't Let Me Down." On vinyl.

I hear I slight knock at the door which knocks me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I look over to see Ayla with a plate of food walking towards me slowly.

" I thought I'd bring you something to eat." She mumbles softly as she sets down the plate next to me.

" thanks Ay." I respond So quietly that I can barely hear it myself.

I see Ayla look around my room that she hasn't been in forever. She smiles and giggles at a few pictures of us I have around the room, but she stops when she sees the one of me and Malcolm on my nightstand.

It's a picture of me and Malcolm kissing somewhere at a tour stop. It's one of the few pictures I have of just us two.

" I forgot to put that away." I sigh as I get up and put the picture face down on my dresser and then sit on my bed. Ayla just looks at me sadly.

" I'm sorry y/n ." I hear Ayla say softly with a sniffle causing me to look up at her. I see her crying lightly and I get up and hug her tightly.

" don't be Ay , I should've left him alone and never went after him." I sigh as I pull away from the hug. Ayla shakes her head no as she wipes away a tear.

" no , because you clearly love him and he's mad about you y/n." She says softly with a slight smile. I start to tear up a bit as it finally hits me that I've really lost my Malcolm.

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