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'These butterflies'


Airiona Lynch

A knock on the door interrupted me and Damien conversation. I gave him a look letting him know he had to answer it. He sighed and walk to the door. I heard voices before he walked back into the kitchen with my friends behind him.

"It's your friends" He says causing me to get happy. I excitedly jumped down from the stool and run over to them. I gave them each their own hug and pulled away.

"I missed you guys!" I say and they all laughed.

"Airi we just saw you last week" Carmen say putting her arm around my shoulder, she was the only one who I was close to in height.

"I know but I be bored"

"Your boyfriend dont entertain you?" Tray asked with a raised eyebrow. Everyone got quiet as I held in a laugh. Damien face was priceless.

"Yes he does Damien thats Tray and his brother Chris and that's Carmen and Corey then you know nique and king" I say introducing everyone.

Damien gave them a friendly smile before wrapping his hands around my waist and mugging Tray. I laughed as Tray mugged him back.

"Its movie night right?" I say to Damien. He sighed and shook his head.

"I gotta work" He says. I looked him up and down , just now noticing he had on his work clothes. I looked at his face seeing how stressed he looked with bangs under his eyes.

"Babe you should stop working so much, look at you" I says causing him to smack his teeth.

"Dont worry baby, im straight as long as i got you, massage when I get home?"

I nodded my head as a tear fell from my eye. He saw it and smacked his teeth before pulling me in a hug.

"Bae you know I hate to see you crying, stop I'll be ight"

I nodded my head and wiped my tears. "Could you get Daniel on your way back?"

"I got you, I love you" He says pecking her lips before leaving the room.

"Im sorry y'all, im a big baby"

"It's okay Airi we get it, I hate when Corey leaves to" Carmen says rubbing my back.

"yo hair lookin nice looking all sexy and chocolate" Tray says bodly causing everybody eyes to widen.

"Boy you a fool" I say ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. "Well lets go watch a movie"

I say leading them to the living room. Carmen, Corey, Nique and King sat on a couch while Me, Chris and Tray sat on the other.

I grabbed the firestick, going to netflix. 'What genre or any movie suggestions?"

"Action' wanna see some shit" Tray says. I turned around and saw his arm streched out on the chair. If I sit back his arm would be around my shoulder.

"Brotherly love?" I asked causing Nique and Carmen to squeal.

"Yes! With quincy fine ass" Nique says earning a look from King.

"What yo ass get so excited for?' You shouldn't be getting excited for nothing except this......" Corey says glaring at Carmen. Carmen quiet down and sat back.

I put it on the movie and stood up. Tray grabbed my wrist attempting to pull me down. His touch did something to me. I gotta hurry up and get away from this man

"Were you going?"

"I got to go edit this video"

"Lemme go with you' i got some editing skills to show you" He says with a sly smirk that I chose to ignore.

"Sure" I say quickly leaving and going into my room. I grabbed my lap top and started editing the video. I know my babies are gonna be mad I havent posted in a week.

Tray took off his shoes and sat next to me. "Ight, lets get started on our new youtube channel"

"Oka-- wait what? Our youtube?" I say giggling a little. He smirked and nodded his head.

"Whats our name?"

"Trairi" He says smirking causing me to blush. I knew excatly what he was talking about. Our supporters saw us on live and in each others videos and they thought we were cute or whatever.

I guess they forgot I had a boyfriend. So did I for a second.

I cleared my throat before saying "you should go"

His smile instantly dropped as he stared at me in confusion. "Whats wrong?"

He placed his hand over mines sending eletricity through my body. I stared at our hands, sparks still there.

I looked into his hope filled eyes and felt the need to lean in. Just when our faces was only a inch apart I looked away feeling guilty.

"You should go" I say avoiding eye contact.

"Thats what you want?"

I nodded my head. Tray grabbed my chin and turned my face towards him. I still avoided eye contact.

"Look at me-" I looked into his eyes , all types of emotions going through my head. "Is that what you want?"

"N- yes leave Tray" I say pulling away from him. He stood up and walked towards the door, he stopped his back still facing me.

"As much as you tryna fight it, I know you feeling some" He says, then finished. "Because I do"

And with that he left me there with my conscious.

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