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"Baby I just don't get it, do you enjoy being hurt?"

732 Words "Baby I just don't get it, do you enjoy being hurt?" ______________________________________

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Tracy Billingsy

I stared at Airi as she slept. She was so beautiful and that wanna be a man ass nigga didn't deserve her. She so loyal to his ass while he out creeping on her. It didn't take rocket signs for someone to tell he cheat on her. She was just to blinded by "love" to see that.

Some gots to give I knew my feelings for her was getting stronger and stronger by the second. I knew it she knew it. By the looks of it her nigga did to.

He was doing her dirty and I know whenever she finds out she'll be heartbroken. I might say I won't , but I'll be there when she does. I'll give her all the emotional support she needs, like she did for me.

It wasn't until then when I realized how strong I desired her. I been saying this a lot but I really did need her. Without her I wouldn't be sane.

A tear rolled down her face causing me to furrow my eyebrows. Was she having a nightmare?

"Airi" Her eyes opened as more tears fell.

" I hope he isn't cheating Tray" I sighed and pulled her in a hug.

"Fuck, do I tell her what she want to hear or-" I spoke to myself, the sound of the door opening interrupting me. Both me and Airi get up walking over to it.

Here this nigga was walking in with a big ass smile on his face, it was 4 in the damn morning. I clenched my fist tightly, while shutting my eyes.

He walked pass us, the strong smell of perfume following him. I looked at Airi whose lips was trembling with watery eyes.

"What took so long?" She says barely above a whisper but he still manage to hear her.

"She lives far"

"Man shut yo cappin ass up, coming in hea smelling like another female" I say.

"Fuck is you even doing still at my house"

"I didn't want to leave her alone, cause lately that's all she been feeling with yo punk ass" I say as soon as the words left my mouth he lunged at me. Airi quickly grabbed him. I wickedly smile. I want him to touch me.

"Airi if you love me, you will never see this nigga again, that friends shit is over! Tell him to leave airi!" He says sounding like somebody's dad. I looked Airi, knowing she wouldn't, she couldn't do that.

She looked up at me sadness and guilt filling her eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows. She wasn't-

"Leave tray" She says softly.

"You se-"


I nodded my head before grabbing my keys and walking out. I got in my car and drove home.

I laid on my bed, feeling as if my heart had been stabbed repeatedly. The pang of hurt never leaving my heart. A female had never fucked me up like this, but with Airi my feelings are all over the place.

But I had nothing on her years relationship. I was just a friend who needed sympathy in her eyes.

Chris walked in, he looked sick. I knew everything was getting to him. I was so stuck up Airi's ass I didn't even check on my own brother.

He sat down beside me, looking at me with a tired and aching expression.

"I love Carmen" He says gently, sounding as if he was about to cry. I looked at him seeing he was serious.

"Corey cheats on her, he beats her but I - I love her, I genuinely love her and i was just a rebound , a distraction from the shitty reality we call life, maybe it was just lust and infatuation"

"Wait bro, you slept with Carmen"

"We made love multiple times"

I sighed and put my head in my hands. It felt as if I was on a drama tv show with never ending drama.

"We ended it but I can't let her go, I just can't"

He fell to deep. And maybe just maybe so did I .

It's 1:44 am. But I was determined to give y'all another chapter.

Y'all deserve it. I know it's short but I'm tired.

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