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"You look at me different am I boring, she pretty but she ain't got no morals"


Airiona  lynch

I laid in the dark, cuddled up in my covers as I thought of Tray. I haven't talked to him in two weeks, I missed his smile, his touch and how he cared for me. I missed him.

I didn't understand any of it, how could I be so attached to someone I barely knew? Why did I feel like it was the wrong decision to let him walk away .

Damien walked into to the room, he spared me a glance before taking off his shoes and falling into the bed.

"Where have you been, you didn't have to work this late, I saw your schedule" I say barely above a whisper , I'm sure I knew where he was , I just didn't want to believe it.

"Minding my business , some you should do" He says bluntly catching me by surprise. Never had Damien ever been rude to me.  I looked at him seeing that the love was no longer in his eyes.

It was time for me to let go, but our love and history was making me hesitate. I didn't want to let go and maybe that was because I didn't want to believe I wasted 3 years with this guy.

3 fucking years and he was cheating. The more I thought about it the more angrier I became.

"What is it about her huh? What's the point of cheating?!"

"Your fucking boring Airiona! You 19 acting and living like a old ass fucking woman! She's fu-"

"Get out" I say below a whisper, it hurts bad. I knew it was true but hearing him admitting to cheating, hurt.

At this moment I knew that it was time to move on and get over him.

"What?" He says with scrunched eyes.

"Get the fuck out now Damien!" It was taking everything within me to not beat the hell out of him.

"Don't beg for me to come back" He says causing me to scrunch my face up.

"Meee? Beg for you back? Nigga bye and get the fuck out of my house" I say getting up and pushing him out the door.

He smacked his teeth, walking out the door without another word. I sigh as I close the door and fell to the ground.

The tears had finally came once the realization kicked in. I was cheated on because I wasn't enough for him. It didn't hurt that he was leaving, a part of me was relieved that he was gone but the words still hurt.

His words were like a bee that stung you in your back and the thorn was stuck in you. Overall it hurts.

The door opened and I didn't bother looking at it. I didn't want to see his face again, it would only be worse for me to look in his eyes.

A pair of arms wrapped around me and for a quick second I was going to elbow him in the face but the familiar smell of cologne hitting my nose refrained me from doing so.

I let him hold me as I cried, cried my eyes out to be specific. He let me cry until I couldn't no more. All the tears and emotions I felt was gone.

I was okay and I knew it was because of the man whose arms was around me.

Even though I did him wrong he was still there for me.

And I owe him for that.

I turned, our faces only inches apart as his brown eyes stared back at mine with empathy in them.

"Thank you"

The end.

I'm joking 🙃.

Y'all still fwm?

I'm sorry for taking years to update but i promise a update every week.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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