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574 words (that's hella short).

Airiona Lynch

I wiped my lip gloss from the sides of my mouth, making sure it was on right. I adjusted my crop top and straightened my pants out. I turned to the side, smiling when I see my poke time was strong.

I grabbed my purse and keys heading out the room door. I walked pass Damien, ignoring the look of confusion he was giving me.

"Bae?" He called out. I turned to him a annoyed look on my face. "What?"

"I love you"

"Mhm love you to, bye"

"Where you going"

"Out" I say walking out the door and closing it. I hurried my way to the car, quickly getting in and starting it. I was so ready to see him.

My phone dinged indicating I had a text message , I took a quick glance at it.

Traymfnbills: wya babygirl

Me: just got in the car , see ya when i get there.

Traymfnbills: shit hurry up I'm ready to see yo fine ass.

I smiled and pressed the gas harder. I was probably going 65 in a 35 zone but I didn't care, I was ready to get there.

I made it to metrolane in 15 minutes. I got out, making sure to lock the car door before going inside of the building. I walked in immediately recognizing Tray standing by a vending machine.

I walked — more like ran to him, embracing him in a hug from behind. He smirked, turning around wrapping his hands around me. I looked up at him, god he was so fine.

"Wassup babygirl" He says pecking my lips. Even a kiss so simple, gave me butterflies and I loved it .

He grabbed my hand and led me to an car arcade game. He sat down, patting his lap. I giggled and sat on it. My phone dinged, I ignored it.

"How do you play this?"

He opened his mouth to say something but his phone started ringing. He pressed the power button before speaking.

"It's a racing game it's easy , here's the gas and th-" He was interrupted by his phone ringing again.

He groaned loudly before turning off his ringer. I laughed and started the game. Tray put his hands on top of mine, which was on the wheel and started driving.

I giggled lightly and pecked his lips.


After a long and fun day me and Tray sat outside his house inside of his car, just simply talking.

"Airi...."Tray says pausing, licked his lips, then continued. "When you officially gone be my girlfriend?"

I looked down at my manicured nails, not knowing what to say. Did I really want Tray?

"Never, this is just fun, I still love damien"

Trays love filled eyes quickly changed into anger and a darker color. It scared me.

"The fuck you mean Airi? You still love him and he— man fuck you" Tray says snatching his keys out the ignition and getting out the car, making sure to slam the door.

I sighed before getting out the car and following him in the house .

"CHRIS!" I heard Tray yell frighteningly causing me to run to them. My heart dropped when I saw Tray holding Chris who was unconscious.

"Call the police! His pulse.....its faint" Tray says his voice cracking.

Uh ohhh back again I haven't updated in some weeks.

anyways follow me on Instagram @trayanairi

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