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"You only know you love him when you let him go"

"You only know you love him when you let him go"______________________________________

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Airiona Lynch

I watched Tray pace back and forth in the hospital room, looking as if he was about to cry. I sighed and looked at a sick lookin Chris. A tear fell down my eye , I put my head in my hands as more came.

This was too much for me, all of it, my life was so much simpler before I met them. I don't regret meeting them but this was just to much.

The doctor entered the room, her face filled with sorrow as she looked at Chris. My heart started to beat faster as I looked at her.

"The chances of him beating cancer are decreasing day by day" The doctor says causing me to grab Tray, I knew he'd get mad, and when he got mad he started to punch stuff.

"Is there anything we could do to help?"

"Not much, make sure he exercise more" Her eyes were filled with so much despair, no hope, making my heart sink. The thought of loosing Chris made me sick to my stomach, knowing any day could be his last.

"I'll be back with his medicine, then he can be released" The doctor says walking out. Tray wrapped his arms around me tightly, bursting into tears. My shoulder was soaked, but I didn't care.

"Airi I- I can't loose him man" He choked out making me squeeze him harder. I couldn't even imagine the pain he was feeling. I had never lost someone close to me or he meant as much as a brother did to another brother.

"Chris is a fighter Tray, he isn't gonna leave you" I reassured him, but I didn't know if I was trying to convince him or myself.

"Yea I'm not going anywhere bro" We heard chris say, his voice was light and weak. I let go of Tray and we walked over to him. They looked at eachother as if they weren't going to see eachother again. It broke my heart.

Tray embraced him into a tight hug. And for minutes they sat there hugging, neither of them wanting to pull away.

"I love you man" Tray says loudly, making my heart melt. The love between these two was amazing.

"I love you too"

The room door flew open and in came Carmen, a worried expression on her face as she ran over to Chris .

"Oh my god are you okay?!" She says, looking him up and down. She let out a breathe of relief before grabbing his face and kissing him.

Me and Tray shared a look before stepping out of the room, letting them have their own alone time.

Tray stared at me, a curious look in his eyes as he stared into mines as if he was reading my soul.

"You confuse me Airi, do you want me?, tell me now don't be wasting my damn time just to run back to that clown ass nigga"

I looked down at my feet, I was confused myself. I loved Damien with all my heart, I can't just throw that away. I only liked Tray, I'm in Love with Damien.

"I- I'm staying with Damien" I stuttered as I looked up at him, he chuckled and nodded his head.

"I'm not even surprised, guess love does make you do stupid things"

"We can just be friends"

"Ight but gimme some space Airi" He says before walking away. And in that moment I watched my world walk away.

I let him slip from the palm of my hands. A man who had provided me a tremendous amount of happiness in such a short amount of time.

I wish people stop tellin me how to write MY story .

Don't hate me for not updating for so long🥺.

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