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"She just a friend, yea that's what you claiming"

855 Words"She just a friend, yea that's what you claiming" ______________________________________

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Airiona Lynch

I was awoken by the sounds of throwing up, which was disgusting. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. The bathroom light was on, Tray was in there throwing up. His hangover was definitely kicking in and I knew I had to deal with it.

I groaned and got out of the very comfortable and relaxing bed. I walked into the bathroom, stood at the door watching tray empty the nasty fluids into the toilet.

"Why did you drink so much?"

"Questions later Airi please" He says standing and grabbing the towel next to him and wiping his mouth.

"No Tray, I can't ask later , can't you see what your doing to yourself?"

Tray loudly groan before falling in the bed, his eyes closed. "Airi I really got a headache"

"You've been drinking a lot lately huh ?"

He slowly nodded his head. I know he was going through a lot but was he really trying to hurt himself?

"Drinking won't solve yo problems Tray"

"And what do you care? All you care about is that pussy ass nigga of yours"

"Disrespecting him won't help anything, I care about you Tray, but your just to stupid and blind to see that!" I say frustratedly. How can he say I don't care about him?! I've been there for him these past few weeks.

Tray stood up, towering over me like a skyscraper. "Don't you say shit about somebody being blind"

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"Airi you blind to almost everything"


He grabbed my chin making me look up at him. "My love for you"

I got lost into his eyes as he continued speaking. Everything was moving slow as my heart rate increased. This was new , this feeling, it was something I didn't even get with Damien and it confused me. I didn't like Tray. I couldn't .

I pushed his hand away and stepped back. "I have a boyfriend"

"That's cheating on you"

I furrowed my eyebrows before saying "what ? No he isn't"

"Yes airi, those dms, this the shit I be talking about, you blind as fuck"

"Whatever, are you gonna take me home or what"

He shook his head before grabbing his keys and walking out the door. Oh now he has an attitude.

I rolled my eyes and followed him out the door. We silently got into his car. As he started to drive I connected my phone to his car and playing ddg arguments.

"Look baby listen, them hoes is lying, here take a tissue I don't like you crying"

Although the song played through the whole ride, the intense silence was still present.

"You can come in and sleep off your hangover"I say before getting out the car, making sure to slam the door.

I walked into the house, surprised by the unlocked door. Light giggles was heard from the living room. I walked into the living room furrowing my eyes at the sight of my man and some female I've never seen, sitting on our sofa as they both laughed. They were close. Way to close for my liking.

I walked in clearing my throat letting my presence be known. They both turned to me, both of their face instantly going into a guilty expression.

"Who's this?" I ask walking over to them, the smug look never leaving my face. They both stood while fixing their faces.

"She just a friend"

"You sure about that? Y'all was close as hell to be just friends" Tray says standing beside me. I fought back a smile.

"Fuck was you doin with him?" Damien says walking over to us. I stood in front of Tray my arms crossed.

"He drove me home, nothing more nothing less, now what is she doing here, how's she your friend and I've never met her" I say my eyes going from him to her.

"We was friends in freshman year but I moved away, but I'm back so we were catching up, we're only friends I promise" She says. She sounded genuine so I nodded my head.

"Okay, but you can leave now"

"I gotta drive her home" He says walking out making sure to bump Tray. Tray turned to hit him, I'm quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him in a hug. "Don't"

Tray sighs before throwing himself on the sofa. "No disrespect airi but you so fucking stupid"

I sat down next to him, he laid his head on my thighs. "How Tray ? I believe him, he wouldn't lie to me"

"Ight airi"

I looked down at his face, his eyes was closed yet he still looked fine as ever. Tray was honestly a work of art. As I stared at him his words from last night repeated over and over in my head.

"Tray— last n-"

"I meant it airi, every last word of it. I need you"

I didn't even edit this chapter cause I was in a rush to update. Sorry for taking so long.

I'm just going through so much :(

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