Chapter 3

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Y/n wakes up next to gohan

Y/n:Wake up sleepyhead we need to wake up to train.

Gohan slowly opens up his eyes

Gohan:Five more minutes

Y/n:Sure Gohan just don't sleep too long. I'm going to start ready for training.

Y/n gets up and stretches on the field,gohan soon gets up and joins him

Y/n:Okay gohan the first thing I want to do is see how strong you are so let's start with a spar. I won't be throwing any punches just blocking but I want you to go all out.

Gohan looks nervous


Gohan is sparring with Y/n

Y/n:Your holding back gohan your scared. Come on don't be scared.

Gohan fights again but this time less scared

Y/n:That will all for now gohan. You did really good at the end. Go ahead and take a break. Then we will go into the next part of training.

Gohan takes a breather

Gohan:I'm ready Y/n

Y/n:Now I want you to destroy that mountain with a ki blast

Y/n points to a nearby mountain

Gohan:That mountain is to big for me to destroy

Y/n:Guess that means you need to practice when you need a break come find me and you can eat a snack.


Gohan tries for hours but cant get it to fall

Y/n:Back a little later than I thought gohan how is that task I gave you going?

Gohan:I'm trying really hard but it won't work. You can do it right? You have any tips for me.

Y/n:You just need someond to inspire you,like your father.

Gohan:Or you?

Y/n:If that works for you then yes,but for now take a break you'll need it.

Gohan and Y/n eat

Gohan:I'm gonna go try again for a bit before it gets too late

Y/n gives gohan a thumbs up while eating

Gohan goes in front of the mountain

He charges a ki blast

Gohan:Bad people are coming I need to stop them for father,my freinds,and Y/n

He fires the blast and it hits the mountain then explodes

Y/n flies up

Y/n:Nice job gohan I saw the explosion from the camp

Y/n gives gohan a high five

Y/n:Alright gohan let's go rest for a bit and take tomorrow off you've earned it.


Piccolo:Man that kid is going to get himself killed, he's too weak. When the sayians come they'll be the first to die.

Elsewhere again

Krillin:everyone is training so hard I hope everyone is strong enough to fight those sayians when they arrive.

1 year later

Nappa and Vegeta land in a city

Vegeta:We made it to earth it seems. The people here are weak. Nappa kill them they are of no use to us.

Nappa raises his 2 fingers and a huge explosion occurs destroying the whole city in the process.

Vegeta:Good job nappa.

Vegeta checks his scouter

Vegeta:There are 4 power levels over there let's go kill them.

Nappa and vegeta start flying off

Krillin:Guys the sayians are coming! Let's get them away from here.

Krillin,tien,yamcha,and Chiaotzu all fly to a field

Vegeta and nappa arrive

Nappa:Only the four of you are going to fight us?

Piccolo:Actually 5 of us now

Vegeta:That won't help you.

Y/N:Then how about if you add two more.


Nappa: Its 2 against 7 you think I should plant sabimen here?

Vegeta:That would be best

Nappa laughs while he plants them

7 sabimen pop out of the ground

Everyone is ready to attack but vegeta speaks up

Vegeta:How about we make this more interesting

Krillin:Like hell! We wont fall for your games

Y/n:What do you propose Vegeta?

Vegeta:Y/n I see u were sent here as well?

Y/n: Don't talk to me like we're freinds anymore!
You betrayed me!

Vegeta:I did what was best for everyone.

Krillin:What's he talking about y/n?

Y/n:Vegeta and I used to close friends until he figured out I was getting stronger at an accelerated rate. He got scared I would kill him and take his place as king one day so he had his father sent me here to earth thinking he wouldn't see me again.

Y/n calms down

Y/n:I'll play your game vegeta but know when I get the chance there will be no mercy.

Nappa point to a sabimen

Nappa: You'll fight first

The sabimen steps up

Yamcha steps up

Yamacha: Alright you creep bring it on!

They start fighting with yamacha winning it so far

In the distance a helicopter spectates the battle

Yamacha does the final blow a knocks the sabimen out.

Krillin:Yamacha awesome job but you should have let me go first.

Yamacha:You guys dont need to fight I can take all these guys by myself

The sabimen gets up unknown to yamcha

He jumps to Yamcha

Y/n steps in and grabs it by its neck and slams it into the ground and shoots a ki blast into it

Y/n:Yamcha be more careful that blast had to power to kill you.

Nappa:How did you detect him he had no power at all?!

Y/n:Well I was able to detect you and vegeta so....

Nappa:You bastard when I get my hands on you...!

Vegeta: calm down nappa he's trying to  make you angry

Piccolo thinks to himself

"Whoa how did he see that theres no way! If y/n got that much stronger,then I wonder how much stronger gohan got then?!

Nappa calms down

Tien steps up and the next fight is ready to begin

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