Chapter 18

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18:We should train here today then we can head back to the house.

Y/n:Sounds good to me!

17:Before we start I'd like to ask about your "berserk" mode if you don't mind....

Y/n:What do you want to know?

17:How do you gain so much power during it?

Y/n:Well you see it kinda sucks for you guys but is really convenient for me...

18:Well spit it out

Y/n:My berserk mode is fueled by pain,whether it be my own or others.

Y/n grabs his arm

Y/n:For example....

He breaks his arm

Y/n laughs as his voice becomes dark


Y/n calms down as 18 and 17 look at y/n wide eyed

18:Did you really have to break your arm?

Y/n:That brings me my next point,when I go berserk all sources of pain become nullified.

The bone in Y/n's arm regenerates

He breaks it again


17 doesn't hesitate as he punches y/n several times

Y/n's power increases

Y/n goes back to base form

Y/n:When I go berserk it also makes me want to inflict pain on others...

18 and 17 looks at y/n interested in his berserk mode

Y/n:It kinda sucks really,I'm not really a violent person but my berserk mode makes me have to say otherwise...

17:That all sounds really cool to me!

18:Yea,although I do agree that your power would usually be on a villian.

16 speaks which he rarely does

16:How could someone beat you?

18:16! Don't ask him that!

Y/n:No it's fine,its just that from what I've seen I dont see any major weaknesses...

18:Why would you want to know how to defeat yourself?

Y/n:If I see myself from another timeline that didn't come to earth he'll probaly want to destroy it so I need to know how to beat him.

18 and 17 shiver at the thought of Y/n fighting another Y/n

Y/n:Anyway let's train so I can go home and make dinner! I'm starving!

They laugh as they all get in their battle stance

Y/n charges into super sayian

Y/n:I won't use berserk against you guys

18 flies up first as she disappears behind y/n

She tries to kick him but he blocks it

While he is distracted 17 goes for the punch but y/n uses his other hand to block it

16 goes for the final hit

Y/n blocks his attack his leg

All the android fly back

18:Your strong even without your berserk....

Y/n smirks

Y/n:Well I am the strongest in the-

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