Chapter 21

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(Btw ignore the people who aren't in the story yet)

(Next few chapters will be the days after cell's defeat,eventually I will do timeskip to the Buu saga.Sorry if that's a problem...)

Y/n goes to his phone and opens it to see captain ginyu...

Y/n:I doubt he'll answer but it's worth a shot I guess...

He calls him and to Y/n's surprise answers in seconds

Captain Ginyu:How did you get my number?

Y/n:How did you get a phone?

An awkward silence then fills the call

Captain Ginyu:Who is this?

Y/n:It's y/n...

Although y/n can't see ginyu he can feel his joy through the phone

Captain Ginyu:Y/n! It's good to hear from you! Do you need something from us!

Y/n:Well,I just defeated another villian and I was planning on throwing a party  and I was wondering if you would like to join my freinds and I.

Captain Ginyu:We'd love too we'll be there in a few minutes!

Y/n:Awesome,see you then.

Y/n looks down at 18

Y/n:Wanna help me cook?

She gets off him and smiles

18:Yes,I'd love to help...

As they start to cook bulma and chi chi arrive

They go up to y/n

They give him a hug but 18 doesn't mind and merely smiles

They talk for a bit then bulma offers to help

Bulma:I have this capsule that has a whole feast inside of it!

Y/n:Cool,once we make the food you can put down the capsule

She nods as her and Chi Chi walk off to to talk to the others

After y/n and 18 finish the food

They place the food on the tables everyone has set

Bulma opens up her capsule as a whole feast appears

Everyone smiles and drools over the food and how good it looks

Just then the ginyu force arrives

Some of them look at the ginyu force in confusion to who they are while y/n smiles and speaks

Y/n:These are my freinds the ginyu force...

The ginyu force wave and pose

To everyone's surprise gohan joins them

Gohan speaks like a hero as he poses

Gohan:It is I the great saiyman!

Captain Ginyu:I like that name!

They continue to pose with gohan

Everyone laughs as the introduce themselves to them

Y/n:Well the food is done so look let's eat

Almost everyone grabs a plate as the all get their food


Goku and vegeta cut everyone and grabs handfuls of food and eating it down

Everyone quickly grabs their food before goku and vegeta eat it all

The ginyu force does a little show that everyone sits down and watches

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