Chapter 6

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Y/n tells everyone bye but before he left Chi Chi calls him over

Chi Chi:Y/n I saw how you jump in front of that beam to save gohan and how you saved my husband as well like you promised.

Y/n gives a big smile

Y/n:No problem Chi Chi! I'll always keep my promises.

She smiles and speaks again

Chi Chi: If gohan is going to continue fighting I don't mind as long as your there with him.

Y/n smiles once again as he nods

Y/n:Well we should get going so we can revive your freinds as soon as possible.

Bulma:Ready to head out?

Y/n picks up Bulma

Y/n:Tell me where to go and I'll fly there.

Bulma is shocked when Y/n suddenly  pick her up but complies anyway

Bulma:O..ok,its over there.

Y/n nods and tells everyone goodbye as he flies with the help of Bulma's directions


Y/n lands next to the ship and marvels at it

Y/n:Bulma this is awesome!

Bulma:Thanks,wanna take a look inside?

Y/n looks like a kid as he is hopping up and down with excitement as he looks around

Bulma giggles

Bulma:You seem happy.

Y/n:Well yea, this is so cool! Our sayian pods is really small,and is really boring.

Bulma:I forgot your a sayian,you are all a quite powerful race.

Y/n:You humans seem like your guys aren't as weak as you guys are rumored to be and I can already tell you guys are smart just by this ship.

Bulma smiles and speaks

Bulma:Anyway it should take a few weeks to get there,I'll bring enough food,as well as water for the trip.

Y/n sees a button as he presses it

Bulma tries to stop him but it's too late

She immediately falls down and has trouble getting up

Y/n stumbles a bit as well

Y/n:Woah what happened just now?

Bulma: You increased gravity,I was gonna get to that.

Y/n:Why would you need that?

Bulma: If a hole is in ship while in space,it will suck people out,but if we increase the gravity it'll make it harder for that to happen.

Y/n:Could I use it to train?

Bulma:I guess you could just make sure I'm not in the area when you do.

Y/n:I'll grab extra clothes for when others get sweaty.

Bulma Thoughts:(There's no way Y/n could be the same race as Goku he's really smart and has a plan for things unlike Goku)

Bulma:Anyway we should leave right about now.

Y/n sits down on a nearby chair

Y/n: Yea we should

Bulma hits a few buttons a pulls a switch and the ship takes off

*At Kame house*

Everyone looks into the sky and sees the ship leaving

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