Chapter 24

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(Last Chapter before Buu)
(Also good luck with school if you start again today like me)

17 and 16 walk into 18's room to see y/n and her still sleeping toghther

17:Oh,I gotta get a picture of this.

He leaves the room and comes back with a camera

He snaps a picture as the camera flashes but as it clears it is gone

17 looks up to see y/n with the camera in his hand

Y/n looks too tired to be angry and merely crushes it and speaks softly

Y/n:Don't take pictures of 18 unless she says so...

17 grumbles and exits the room while 16 just smiles and leaves as well

He lays down for another hour before 18 wakes up

They wake up look at each other

Y/n:Good morning beautiful...

18 blushes as she kisses him

18:Good morning y/n...

They both get up and head to the kitchen to see 17 and 16 eating breakfast

Y/n:You guys made breakfeast?!

17:What? No we went and bought breakfast are you crazy!

Y/n laughs

Y/n:Just when I though you were changing

17:Anyway how did you two lovebirds sleep?

He smiles devilishly

18 grabs onto y/n

Y/n:Very well thank you...

18:What did you do 17? You took a picture didn't you?!

17 looks nervous

He is speechless

Y/n speaks up for him

Y/n:He came in and told me how happy he was for you and how he respects your privacy...

18 face turns from anger to happiness

18:Really!? Thanks 17...

17 looks shocked but plays along

17:Oh,yea I'm so happy for you huh 16?

16 freezes like he us trying to analyze the situation

He finally speaks


Everyone laughs

Y/n:Did you gets us breakfeast too?


18 and y/n look kinda sad

17 laughs as he goes into the kitchen and grabs them breakfeast

17:I'm just playing guys it's the least I can do for you guys!

17 laughs as 18 and Y/n look a little angry but thankful at the same time

18 pouts as she eats her food

Y/n:Do you still wanna go with me to train videl, 18?

She slowly nods her head

17:Of course she would go! She thinks a little girl will take her y/n away

18 punches 17's head into the ground

18 blushes

18:Shut up you idiot!

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