Chapter 20

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After finishing the week of training and growing closer to the androids especially 18 the time has come to face cell once again for y/n and his freinds....

Y/n:Alright guys,Cell is going to be here today,but we have goku now so we just increased our chances of winning.

They all nod

Y/n:The androids have also been kind enough to assist us with cell

The androids wave

Y/n:After this we can all go home and go to sleep.

They all chuckle a bit

They look in the distance to see a beam shot in the air showing where cell is

Y/n:There he is guys....

Y/n looks at everyone with serious face

Y/n:If you can't fight don't be a hero and die on us,we need each other if one us dies it'll hurt everyone.

They all look at each other and smile

Y/n:Let's go

They fly off to cell

They arrive to a arena of cell's making

Cell:Ah,you've all arrived...

Y/n:How did training go cell?

18:Y/n why are you being nice to him?

Y/n:Might as well seeing as we are gonna kill him.

Cell:Its a shame we are forced to be enemies Y/n I think we could have been good freinds.

Y/n:Me too....

Cell:Anyway who wants to go first?

Goku:I wanna fight you!

Cell:Excellent! I want to fight another sayian,it really gets my blood pumping!

Goku charges into super sayian

Cell charges his power up as well

They both fight as everyone talks about what's happening

16:They seem to be evenly matched

Krillin:Yea goku really is strong to keep up with him

They continue to trade blows and dodge each others attack

Cell:I hate having to fight in this small ring

He destroys it

Cell:Now we can do as we please....

They fight again but cell does some moves they've seen before

He did death beam and kamehameha,moves that only goku himself and freiza know

Everyone is surprised but continues to watch

Goku flies up and charges a kamehameha

Goku:I'll kill everyone on earth to stop you cell

Cell laughs

Cell:You wouldn't do that to your freinds would you?

He continues to charge it up with no sign of him stopping

Everyone looks at each other nervously

Y/n:Goku what the hell are you doing! If you don't stop,cell won't be the only one trying to kill you!

Goku keeps charging but all the sudden disappears

Y/n Thoughts:Clever goku,very clever...

Goku reappears in front of cell with his charged up kamehameha still in hand

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