Chapter 23

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(Either this chapter or next will bring us to the buu saga)

18 wakes up before y/n and admires his face while he is peacefully sleeping

18 Thoughts:(I really like y/n but I may be coming onto him too strong)

Y/n doesn't have nightmares about his family but instead dreams of the good times he had with them

18 gets up quietly to leave the room she opens the door

17 unluckily walks by at that moment

17:Hey 18 your up early how did you-why are sneaking out the room like y/n did?

Y/n wakes up and looks angry

Y/n:Who woke me up!

18 pushes 17 in the room

18:17 I told you to quiet down!

17 eyes widen

17:Oh hell no! I'm not getting blamed for this again!

He tries to run out the room but y/n grabs him before he can leave



16 looks up from the couch

16:I could but I don't feel like it...

17 eyes widen once again shock

17 Thoughts:Everyone has betrayed me....the ones I hold the closest....I'm alone

Y/n laughs

17 looks at him expected to be beaten up

Y/n puts a hand on his shoulder

Y/n:I'm joking 17,but to make it up to you I'll do one thing for you. Deal?

17 sighs in relief and speaks

17:I'm gonna hold you to that y/n...

Y/n:As long as it's nothing too crazy

17:Well that takes like half of my favors

He laughs nervously

17:I'll let you know...

Y/n nods as they head to kitchen to see 18 made breakfeast

Y/n smiles as 18 gives them the food

Y/n:I'm going to train a young lady named videl after I'm done

18 looks at y/n with a hint of jealousy

18:How old is she?

Y/n:Ten I believe

18 sighs in relief

18 also blushes

18:Would you mind if I went too?

Y/n:Yea I'm sure videl wouldn't mind

18 nervously laughs

They finish the food

Y/n:Alright 18 you ready to head out?

She nods as they both fly off to where they are going to train

As they arrive y/n greets Hercule

Hercule:Hello y/n thanks for coming!

He looks at 18

Hercule:Who is this Y/n?

Y/n:This is 18,she wanted to help Videl train as well.

Hercule:Well thank you 18!

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