Chapter 22

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Y/n wakes up the next morning with 18 snuggled up with him

Y/n Thoughts:(I really need to be careful not to wake her up,she might get angry....)

Y/n stealthily gets out of the bed he gets up and is about to make breakfast

He is right in front of the door

He turns the handle VERY slowly

Y/n is sweating

Y/n finally opens the door

He smiles as he is free

Then disaster strikes

17:Good morning y/n, making breakfa-why does it look like your sneaking?

Y/n Thoughts:(My sneak 100 failed me)

Y/n puts his hands up to signal to 17 to be quiet but it's too late

Shuffling is heard on the bed and then 18 speaks

18:Who the hell woke me up!?


He points at him like a younger sibling telling on their older sibling

17:Wait what...!?

She grabs 17 and yanks him in the room

17:Y/n! Help me!

Y/n:Where was my help when I had to go shopping?

17:I'll get you for this y-

Y/n closes the door

After he does he hears 18 yelling and 17 screaming

Y/n hears a chuckle

He looks up to see 16 shaking his head laughing

Y/n starts to laugh as well

16:Good morning y/n...

Y/n smiles and waves

16:Making breakfeast?

Y/n nods as he heads into the kitchen

He open the fridge looks shocked

Y/n:Looks like we're out of ingredients....

Y/n heads to get some clothes and goes to the bathroom to get dressed

Y/n heads back to living room to see everyone talking on the couch while watching tv

Although 17 looks like he could be happier

Y/n:We're out of ingredients so I'm gonna head to the grocery store...

18:I'll go too...

Y/n:I figured you'd say that...

She gets up and heads to her room

18:I'm going to get ready then.

Y/n sits down next to 17 who still looks kinda pissed

Y/n:Hey uhh 17

17 ignores him

Y/n:If you don't answer then I wont make you breakfast when I get back...

17's eyes widen

17's Thoughts:(Oh no he knows I'm too lazy to make it myself! Damn it! Guess I have no choice)

17:You know I hate you...

Y/n:Haha I knew you'd break. You so lazy, I've seen you sit down with remote by the tv and instead of getting it you just stare at the black screen!

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