Chapter 15

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They all fly off to catch up to vegeta who is on his way to try to fight the androids

They arrive at his lab to see Dr.Gero about to open the pods with androids

Future Trunks:Father! Stop him before it's too late!

Vegeta laughs

Vegeta:Now that I'm a super sayian these androids should go down no problem. I would like a challenge.

Y/n:Vegeta!You idiot!

Vegeta doesn't stop Dr.Gero as he opens the pods

Androids 17 and 18 appear

Dr.Gero:Kill the people that are coming for me!

Android 17 looks at android 16's pod

Android 17:Let's release this guy with us.

Dr.Gero:No you do what I tell you to do!

Android 17:Is that right?

He punches Dr.Gero instantly killing him

Android 18:Wow we were built by that fool?

They are about to realease 16 but trunks shoots a ki blast into the lab

After the blast clears the androids are left unscathed

They laugh as they open 16's pod

He gets up

Android 17:Let's find goku 16

16 doesn't say anything but nods and follows them as they fly off

Y/n:Vegeta! Why would you let that happen!?

Vegeta:Because I'm a super sayian now I don't think some robots can stop me.

Y/n:You know what vegeta? I hope they kick your ass. You need to get the fact that your not stronger then everyone.

Vegeta laughs

Y/n:Come on guys we need to stop them!

They all fly off into the direction they flew in

They see them in the distance and land

Android 18: Oh,they followed us?

Android 17:Yea,could you handle them?

Android 18:Sure...

Vegeta steps up in super sayian

Vegeta:This will be easy!

They start fighting and vegeta is beating her easily

Everyone is shocked but Y/n knows it's fake

He is proven right when android 18 laughs and starts fighting vegeta again

She kicks Vegeta's arm breaking it making everybody cringe

Vegeta screams in pain as he falls to the ground

Krillin:Y/n stay here!Your the strongest if we lose you it's over!

Every flies in but is immediately beaten by 18

Future Trunks:Enough!

He flies in but 17 knocks him out

Y/n is the only one left

18 looks at y/n

18:Your quite the cutie,what's your name?

Y/n:If you beat me then I'll tell you....

18 smirks

18:Alright,but I'm letting you know that I have unlimited energy.

Y/n charges into super sayian berserk

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