Chapter 26

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After y/n says he final goodbyes, he heads back home

The rain is heavy

Everyone is inside because of the fear of buu

As he is walking back he sees memories of him and 18

"The weather is nice y/n do you want to go for a walk"

"Your my hero y/n"

"Will you marry me 18"

Y/n smiles as he remembers her reaction of jumping  up and down screaming yes

"Your gonna be a dad"

"Her name should be C/n"

The last memory however hurts him

18 and y/n are walking until they come across a field of flowers

18:When I die I want to be placed here on this field of flowers

Y/n:Well your gonna be waiting for a long time because I'll never let you die!

They both laugh and kiss

But those last words repeat in his head

"I'll never let you die!"

Everything goes back to normal

Y/n:I'm sorry...but I need to take of care of our daughter and work on bringing you back 18 as much as hurts me....

He turns around and continues walking

He finally arrives at the house and slowly opens the door

17,16,and C/n are all watching the news

Tv:We've just received dreadful news that the hero named by the people "The "Sayian Savior" who defeated cell has recently lost his wife,as far as we know she was the only casualty of the attack...

Y/n squeezes his fist and is about to turn off the tv but the man speaks again

Tv:We may be a ton of regular people,but if you need anything I'm sure everyone is willing to help you through this...

The man nods as the news ends for today

17 sees y/n in the reflection of the black screen

He turns around as well as 16 who both give a look a sympathy

Y/n picks up c/n

C/n looks at y/n with sparkling eyes full of wonder

She speaks


Y/n grits his teeth

Y/n:Mama isnt here right now,but dad is gonna make sure she comes back soon,even if I have to take 18 from the Angels themselves and bring her back...

C/n smiling and hugs y/n

C/n:Dad strong! He get mom back soon!

Y/n smiles at his daughter as he sheds a tear

She wipes it off

C/n:Me sleepy!

Y/n tucks her into her baby pin as she instantly falls asleep

Y/n heads back to the living room

17 is the first to speak

17:Y/n,I'm so sorry...

16:As am I y/n...

Y/n:Don't be,she wouln't want us to worry about her right now...

17 and 16 nod

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